Keepers part 2

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A was gone and everyone was freaking out. Where had they gone, why did they leave, and why did they leave Evan to do their job. "I refuse to let him take A's place, he has no idea what he's doing," the ocean spoke. "I agree," seconded plants. "Well it wasn't up to you," Rhiannon's voice boomed. "A has left her job to Evan it is what she has been preparing him for this entire time."

Evan felt as if a huge burden had been shifted to his shoulders.

The keepers began to bicker on how he wasn't fit and how someone else should do it. Evan could feel his anxiety taking over.

"Shut up!" Connor shouted. "None Of you have a say in it get over your self's," Connor began his rant, he took Evans hand as a gesture of comfort. "Evan has been trained to do this, just like she did with each of us, and none of you will even given him a chance. Do you have any idea how stressful that must be to him, not only having A's job thrusted on to him, but having all of you saying how he can't do it. What would A think if she was here, you should all be ashamed of yourselves," the crowd went quite with shame. Connor completely annoyed by the people A had trusted pulls Evan out of the room.

"Are you Ok?" He asked. Evan just hugged him. "Thank you so much for standing up for me Connor," Connor smiled. God he had fallen, he had fallen to hard for this boy. "It was no problem Evan, they deserved it," Connor pulled away to look Evan in the eyes. "And I think you're going to do a great job," Connor said giving him a warm smile. "Really?" Evan asked. "Really," Connor responded.

After taking A's job Evan slowly had less and less spare time. This annoyed Connor to no end, and when they finally were alone together just talking casually something would always ruin it. So when Evan was finally free today Connor grabbed him by the wrist and ran.

"Connor where are you taking me?" Evan asked confused. "Far away so I can finally have you all to myself."

After sometime Connor stopped and sat down. "Saw that really necessary?" Evan asked still confused as to what was going on. "Yes I can never just spend time alone with you anymore, now sit your ass down beside me already," so Evan sat down. "I'm sorry you had to take me all the way out here to talk to me without interruptions," Evan apologized. "Actually everything's been really full on since I took the job," He said. "Any one giving you shit?" Connor asked. "No, thanks to you and Magic," Evan smiled. "Thanks for standing up for me," he gave Connor a small kiss of gratitude on the check.

Connor blushed and his brain went 'fuck it'. He used a gentle hand to guide Evan's face to meet his own. He softly connected their lips.

Evan couldn't stop himself from kissing back immediately. Connor had one hand on Evans check and the other on his back. Evan moved his arms around his neck

The two pulled apart and it slowly sank in what had happened. Evan went pink. "You-you kissed me?" Evan asked confused. Connor nodded. "And I kissed back?" Another nod. "Can you, kiss me again?" Connor smiled and kisses Evan again.

After a while he found an opportunity and took it changing it to a French kiss.

Both boys came back late that day and with big grins I their faces.

From then on Connor would steal Evan away when ever he could.

"Love, this is inappropriate, they can't be aloud to continue like that," War said
"Both of them have jobs to focus on," War continued. "Indeed we are not here to fall in love they can't be aloud to continue," hunting agreed. "I don't know A's always done what ever, and Evan is in their place, so maybe we should just leave them," Ocean spoke.

"What's going on here?" Evan said walking into the room followed by Connor. "About time. Your relationship ship is inappropriate conduct, as Keepers we should not have relationships," War said. "Hey we still have emotions and the capability to fall in love, we aren't just tools," Connor defended. "I don't care, the relationship is affecting work, we send someone to find Evan only to find out you stole him away, again. I'm sick of it, drop the relationship and focus on your jobs," War argues. "No suck it up and leave him a message," Connor says annoyedly. War and Connor get in a heated argument.

"Death, Magic you two were closest to A what would she say," Magic looked down. "A temporarily gave up her role so she could find love, so I'm sorry but, I'm afraid, as long as you two are Keepers together, you can not continue your relationship," Magic said sorrowfully But sternly . "You've got to be kidding me," Connor started. "I won't do that, fuck you, I love him!" Connor roared.

"Can I request one last night with him?" Evan asked. "Evan no," Connor was scared. "I don't see why not," Magic said. "Then we understand and tomorrow we will break up, but please, today, leave us in peace," the table nodded. Connor looked sad.

Evan lead Connor away to a private place. "Connor tonight is our last night together as a couple until A comes back, what do you want to do?" Evan asked. "You," Connor crashed their lips together and they spent their last night together in complete and utter bliss.

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