keepers part 1

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An a.u like most of my stories but this time I warned you :p

Connor watched from his cloud as the sky went from radiant shades of pinks, purples, and blues to his amazing deep blue sprinkled with gold. He loved his night sky he spent so much time placing each star carefully in the sky making pictures that some humans had noticed just like he had been taught. He looked down at a town below him. They barely ever admired the night, most humans would use it as something to do bad in. He frowned. Connor rolled back over and looked at his jeweled sky.

After a bit he heard a noise not from the town but the forest. Bored and with nothing to do he went to investigate. He floated down turning into a black smoke.

When he got down he saw a boy laying in agony on the ground, no doubt death would come for him. So he sat and watched. After a little bit the boy seemed to roll on to his back looking up seeming content looking at the night. Connor felt a little confronted by this, but continued to watch a let nature take its course.

The hooded figure finally showed. "Evan Hansen, died from jumping from a tree due to depression then massive blood loss from your broken arm mostly eternal," Death looked down at him. "I figured he was going to die," Connor says stepping out into deaths view. Death nods. Then A came down.

"Oh good you haven't done it yet," they said taking a physical form into a non-binary person. "You really fucked your self up there kid," They said kneeling down. "What are they doing, are they allowed to do that?" Connor asked. "A's controls everything they just lets us do somethings, they can do whatever they please," Death said. "Yep," he barely managed to get out, after all he is dying. "Here let me help you," they place an gentle hand on Evans broken arm and with a golden light it heals. All of this reminds Connor of how they chose Connor to be keeper of the night sky.

He had stabbed himself in the forest, slowing bleeding out. They came up to Connor in clothes that made their gender unguessable. They had given him with a warm smile that kinda felt out of place but, welcomed. They talked to him a little before healing the bleeding hole with a golden light. They had taken him under his wing showing him every thing to do with the night, not from the screen A used now but in person. They then offered him a job, a job of tending to the night and watching over it, he had accepted it.

"You think they're going to, you know?" Connor asked. "I believe so Night," he responded. Death Had been beside A the longest, people say it's cause they couldn't bear to see what they had so loving created dying over and over again. "What the it-it doesn't hurt, who, what are you," The boy became scared physically treating a bit. "I'm A the thing single handedly responsible for creating your universe," They smiled warmly. "I would like you to come with me," they said extending their hand. Evan cautiously took it.

After that Evan had been by their side at most of the time. He was slowly introduced to everyone, but no one knew what he would be doing, A had made it very unclear. Evan and Connor seemed to get along really well though when they were together. Connor appreciated his company but so did Zoey, or Day as she was better known as, so sometimes they would fight for his affections as siblings do.

Connor found Evan crying, in a stone field. He floated down next to him. The stone in front of him read Heidi Hansen. "They were your mother weren't they?" Connor asked. Evan nodded as tears continued to spill down his checks. "You two were close?" He asked stupidly. "We were until i became a stupid teen and stopped talking to her whenever could," Evan began to cry into his hands, morning the death of his mother. By the grave there were a fresh set of forget me nots and lilies. Connor places a comforting hand on his shoulder. "I'm sorry that she died," Connor said trying to comfort him. Evan hugged him tight and began to cry into his chest. It was a little shocking, he was rarely hugged but he hugged back rubbing Evan back and quietly telling him comforting words.

"Why did you bring him in?" magic, or her given name Rhiannon, asked as they watched Connor comfort Evan. "Rhiannon I'm about to tell you something you can tell no one else," she said. Rhiannon nodded in response. "I want to go down and experience being a human, so Evan will replace me," She said watching the two fondly. "A you can't we all need you here you're like a mother to us all," Rhiannon said concerned. "I know it won't be forever just a couple of life's, just to see if I can find them," A stares off at the stars. Rhiannon sighs knowing that no one can stop them.
I don't understand why you people enjoy my one shots but hey have another 2 parter. Although I totally could used this concept for and actually well planed thought out story that isn't fanfiction but we all know I'm not that creative and would probably procrastinate the shit out of that. Also should I draw covers for the chapters cause I literally write these in one sitting like I rarely go back to finish story's I don't and I have other I really should finish but should I do art for it is the question

Dear Evan Hansen  Evan x Connor one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now