The Rogue Who Fell In Love With A Noble

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Evan found himself trapped by a band thugs. "Please let me go!" he uselessly pleaded to his captures. They had figure out that Evan's family was of significance. This meant they will probably sell him off for a high price, either back to his family or someone else entirely. Evan felt useless, but there was nothing he could do. His wrist was tide by his back and his ankles were also tided by a very sturdy rope. Even if he could escape that then what, he would still have to get past the bandits. There was no point in trying. Evan was going to miss the arranged marriage.
Evan had been lying helpless on the floor for quite some time now, hours had probably gone past. He had almost memorized the room with nothing else to do, but cry. Then he heard a noise. It sounded like something heavy hitting the ground then yelling then more heavy things hitting the ground when he heard a door open. He was unsure of how to feel about this. It could be someone coming to save him, which was highly unlikely, or more bandits. He gulped as the sound of footsteps became louder. The door opened to a tall male with shoulder length brown wavy hair and an outfit of all black, with a bit of black cloth covering his mouth. He was physically stunning. But that didn't make him any less scary. The stranger had a hostile aurora to him, making Evan terrified. He became more scared when the stranger noticed him. "Who are you?" Evan jumped at the sound stranger's voice. He gulped wondering if his name would help him or make things worse. "E-Evan H-Hansen," he stuttered out.
Connor Entered the next room after picking up anything of value or use to him scanning it only to find another human, but this one was clearly not one of them. He felt sorry for him. He saw clearly terrified out of his mind. "What's your name," Connor asked keeping his voice calm as to not frighten the deer like human anymore. He jumped a bit, then Connor heard him gulp, before a pause of silence. "E-Evan H-Hansen," He squeaked out. Connor felt sorry for Evan this had clearly been a scary day for him. "I'm not going to hurt you," Connor said, and as he did he saw the boy physical relax. Connor sighed, crouching down, grabbing out his knife and cutting the bounds. He got Evan to sit up as he checked him for any serious damage but he seemed ok, just a couple of bruises. "W-who are you, a-and why did you f-free me?" Evan asked. "No one of importance and I wasn't just going to leave you here to rot," Connor stated. Connor then got up to see if he could find anything else.
Evan sat there for a bit surprised with his freedom, but now came the problem of what to do. Evan had no clue as to where he was, or how to get to StathFord. He did know that it was meant to be a 4-day ride, so he wasn't liking to get there on time by foot. He turned to the stranger. "Umm, where am I?" Evan asked. "Umm about 4-hour ride from Narthwich," He said, throwing Evan, the bag of coins that had been taken from him. "I know you've done a lot for me, but do you think you could give me a ride there, I mean you don't have to it's just I was on the way to something and I have to be there in 4 days-" "Yeah sure" Connor cut him off. Before leaving the room to loot a different one.
Evan and Connor eventually arrived at the town. Connor and Evan hopped off the horse. The brunette started to make his way to the pub. Evan sat there unsure for a bit but went to the pub as well, hoping there might be a map.
Connor ordered a drink and tuned out the background noise, keep a bit of an eye a the deer he had just rescued. The bar maiden brought him his drink and he then began to nurse it. Then someone clearly intoxicated came up to Evan. Evan looked uncomfortable as the person began to talk him clearly making excuses and while moving away from the intoxicated persons reach a bit. He found himself worried a bit that something might happen and annoyed and the drunks lack of sense of personal space or knowing how to take a hint. Connor sighed at what he was about to do.
"Come cutey a little fun won't kill you," The person said moving their hand to Evans' thigh. Evan hurriedly moved it away. "I'm sorry I've been promised to someone else," he said sliding away more, but now he couldn't slide any further. He was stuck between a wall and drunk. "They don't have to know," they said and evil smirk growing on their face. "Could you back away from my friend there, whore. He's not interested in what your selling," Evans savior said putting his drink on the table and sliding into the set across. Evan felt a wave of relief, how he was ever going to repay the brunette he didn't know. The drunk looked thoroughly annoyed at the comment but backed off going to pester someone else.
"Thank you," Evan said. "I don't know how I'm going to repay you for all you've done for me," Connor was a bit shocked at this comment, he wasn't really expecting anything. "Don't worry about it, now where are you headed?" He asked as he sipped his beer. "StathFord and if I follow this road I should make it on time," Evan says a little smile on his face. "Yeah, if you're not kidnaped again, a lot of bandits hang around that path," Connor said. "If you want to get there safe and sound you will have to go this way," Connor explained as he pointed out the track. "But I won't get there in time then," Evan said sounding a bit annoyed and dejected. "Well that's the safest way princess," Connor said drinking his last drops of his beer. "What if you came with me you know what you're doing, and then I could take the path then, and make it on time," Evan said. "And why should?" Connor said getting a hurt look from the boy. Connor Didn't know if he wanted to take Evan, it would just be him babysitting him they to wherever then part ways. It would be a waste of his time, but Connor was worried about what might happen to Evan if he didn't. "Oh, um you don't have to it was just an idea I just thought hey you've been really helpful and it's only that I will be able to make it on time," Evan began to ramble, Connor was going to regret this. "I'll take you," Evan's face lit up, "Really?" "Yes really, now let's go get the stuff we need," Connor said standing up. They walked over to the bar and Evan returned the map and thanked the bar maiden before the went into the town. They got food, water, camping stuff, another horse, a map, and Connor got things for his weapons and sold a bit of his lot. And so the journey began.
Connor had set up camp for the first night Evan helped by getting stuff for the fire and helping with the tent. "Umm, It's just occurred to me a still don't know your name, and since I'll be traveling with you I think it would be good to know," Evan said watched the fire. "Connor," He said. Silence. "So why are you heading to StathFord?" Connor asked poking the fire with a stick. "I've been arranged to marry another noble, my mother is a very important and well know doctor earning her a name of high status. I've never even met my bride but I still have to," Evan sighed. "Do you at least know her name?" Connor asked. "Lady Zoella of the Murphy family," Evan said. Connor didn't know why but the last name sounded familiar, he brushed it off. "So do you have a family?" Evan quizzed. "Not really, I was kidnaped from mine at a young age, I was sold off to some random guy and in order to escape, I had to kill him. I then had to learn how to fend for myself leading to where I am today," Connor explained. "That sucks," then there was more silence. "Is that why you didn't just take me to sell like they were going to?" Connor nodded watching the bright embers, as the fire burnt the dead bits of tree.
Connor woke up, getting up and out of the tent then stretching. He took in the forest a bit breathing in his surrounding, then he noticed a lack of Evan. "Evan?" he asks, but there was no response.
Evan had found himself feeling gross the next morning, realizing just how much he needed a bath. Connor was still asleep, Evan didn't have the heart to wake him, he looked peaceful. Evan got up and grab something before taking his horse to the nearest water source.
Connor took a sigh of relief as Evan came into view. He had used hunting skill to track him down finding Evans footprints and following them. "You couldn't have told me you were heading off to have a bath," Connor stated watching Evan turn around bright pink. "Turn around," he squeaked. Connor smirked a bit before turning around. The herd Evan getting out and walking to the horse, to get his clothes.
Evan and Connor were a day away from Fournemouth now. They had found a town to stay in. "Look at all the pretty lights," Evan said. The town was celebrating something. There was a bunch of lanterns and stalls. There was a band playing and people dancing. "You think you could watch the festival?" Evan asked. "Sure," Connor answered Evan lit up as he went off to somewhere in the festival and Connor followed.
Evan had begun to draw trees and pictures with chalk on the ground with a lot of kids, while Connor was having a bit of beer nearby. Connor watched as Evan drew taking in each detail of him. Evan was short and a little chubby. He had adorable freckles sprinkled all over his face. His short blonde hair is a bit of a need for a brush, but the mess suited him. Connor smiled. He would have been content to watch Evan forever. The short boy then got up admiring his work before coming over to Connor. "Connor comes dance with me," Evan said pulling on his arm a bit as he was dragged off to dance. They danced with rest of the village and Connor enjoyed it.
They sat on a bench watching the stars and lanterns floating up into the sky. Evan was feeling tired but enjoyed sitting there. He leaned on Connors' shoulder to support his sleepy head. "Thank you, Connor," Evan said. Connor looked down at Evan and felt his heart pound a little. He had grown close to Evan, a little to close. Connor didn't know if he could really let Evan go to the wedding, but it's not as if he had a choice.
Evan and Connor arrived at StathFord, Connor preparing himself to lose Evan. The two had grown close on the way here. Connor had taught Evan how to hunt and what plant did what. Evan was adorable. He didn't want to kill the rabbit so in the end, they had to let it go, which was annoying yes but he did catch one later when Evan wasn't by his side. Evan had also known a great deal about plants prior so there wasn't a lot to teach there, but Evan was very enthusiastic about a did tech Connor a bit. Connor wanted Evan to stay by his side and not get married to this Zoella Murphy, it's not like Evan wanted to marry her. But Connor knew he had to do what was right and let Evan marry the girl.
They got to the mansion. A lady came rushing up to Evan. "Evan, my Baby, I had just received word you had been kidnaped, we were getting your rescue party, I'm so glad you're ok!" she said crushing him with a hug. "I'm fine mum, thanks to Connor, he saved me," Evan smiled. "Yeah I should probably get going now," Connor said getting ready to head off. "No no please stay for the wedding I would feel honored to have you there," Evan smiled. "I don't know, it sounds like it's going to be a real event, and I don't really have the right gear," Connor started making excuses, really just not want to stay, knowing how much watching the wedding would hurt him. "Please I would really like to have you there," Evan said his sweet smile on his face. Connor couldn't say no to him. "Ok," he sighed and Evan beamed with joy.
Connor watched as Miss Zoella what's her face walked down the aisle to Evan. he sat through the boring words of the Prest. "Does anyone object," The priest asked. Connor couldn't take it anymore. "Fuck it," he thought. He was luckily for him near, the front as he stood and said I do earning a gasp from the crowd. Connor then got up and walked to Evan pick him up over his shoulder and rushing off.
"Connor!" Evan protested as Connor put him on his horse. "Connor, what is going on I need to get back to the wedding," Evan said, hoping it was a dream. "Kidnapping you," Connor stated hopping on to the horse. "I thought you didn't do that?!" Evan said alarmed. "Well you're a special case," he said as they raced off on the horse.
Connor had gotten quite far away from the StathFord now. Evan was a mess of emotions, shocked at being kidnaped, hurt at the betrayal of some he thought he could trust and scared as to what was going to happen to him. Evan began to cry. Connor stopped as soon as he heard Evans sobs. He hadn't explained a thing to Evan, for all he knew it was going to be like the bandits again. Connor sighed. "Evan I'm not going to hurt you," he said. "Then why did you kidnap me," Evan cried. Connor got down from his horse and brought Evan down as well. He gently leads him to a convent log. "Evan, after the past few days I've grown attached to you, more attached than I should have," he placed his hand softly on Evans turn him to face him. Connor wiped away Evan stars. "Evan, I couldn't stand to see you marry her and wanted nothing more than for me to have you instead. It was too late for me to explain that so I objected and stole you away," Connor said. Evan's big glossy eye looked into Connors with surprise. "So you love me?" Evan asked, very confused. Connor nodded, "Yes, and before you tell how terrible it is that I do or whatever, I would just like one thing. Think of it as that repayment you kept talking about," Evan nodded before Connor leaned in and kissed Evans soft lips. To Connor surprise, Evan melted into the kiss, but it made Connor happy that he did. Connor slowing removed his lips from Evans. "Ok I'm ready," Connor said still ready for the, "you horrible man" speech. "I think I love you too," was all that came out of Evans' mouth. Connor was surprised but didn't really have time to, as he heard horses. He smiled and took Evans hand putting him on the horse than riding off into the woods.
I thought I had posted this before but apparently not so here it is. I really would love to make this it's own story but I would need someone to nag me to update it. I have a friend who reads who might do it, you know who you are.

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