What you leave behind (part 2 ending one)

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Connor sat beside Evans bed holding his hand and cried. "Why couldn't you have held on, just a little longer Evan, why didn't you wake up!" Connor had been informed while he was at school to go the the place were evan had been put into long term care. Part of him knew what he was going to see and hear. "He would be told evan is dead," and they would let him see the body, he would see the empty shell of Evan, But now it was reality. Heidi didn't have the heart to see him she couldn't if she did it would all be real for her as well, she didn't want that, and connor was regretting going in.

At Evans funeral Connor gave a speech and ended up crying when looking at his friends, the love of his life's casket on a few feet away from him. His mother and father had to go up and bring him done comforting him back to the seats. Evans mum let him keep all the flowers and tree he had gotten Evan. Connor planted them all in his backyard, apart from a little bonsai tree he keeped that in his room, he would talk to it as if it was Evan, telling it everything that had happened in his day. Anyone who knew Connor could tell you what a sad sight he had become.

One day he got a call from Hiddie. "I was scrolling through Evan's phone again and I found something, Connor you're going to want to read this. I found a text Evan forgot to press send on, it was for you," then Hiddie hung up and Connor received the text. Connor didn't know if he could read it but wanted to know what Evan had wanted to say.

Dear Connor Murphy

I am so so sorry. I can't hold on anymore, I know you don't know this but a lot of things have been falling apart recently, and I can't take it, so I've found highest tree and I'm going to jump. It's not your fault, I know you will think it is but, I have been planing this for a while, I have a ton of reasons to actually. It's just now that you hate me I know it won't affect you. And you won't cry. I hate seeing you cry

Love your dearest friend and the person who has loved for the longest time. Evan Hansen

Connor cried. He cried for hours he could swear he felt Evan hug him as he laid on his bed in that sorry state. "Evan why, why would you do this to me, we could have talked about I could have helped you" Connor cried. "Connor are you ok?" Zoe asked concerned on the other side of the door. Connor just continued to cry. Zoe opened the door to find the sobbing mess. "It's ok Connor, what's wrong?" she asked walking over and hugging her brother trying to comfort him. 

Dear Evan Hansen  Evan x Connor one shotsWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu