Why I'm Gay

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Evan sat at his desk, doing his chemistry homework. Which happened to have something to do with trees today, so Evan was actually pretty interested in it. Infacted he was so absorbed in his work he almost didn't hear the pebbles hitting his window. Evan went to see who was throwing them, only to be meet with Connor, with a look of anger and sadness on his face. "Connor what's wrong, and why are you throwing pebbles at my window?" Evan asked looking down at Connor. "Cause, you wouldn't answer your stupid phone, now let me in," Connor said impatiently. Evan sighed closing the window before going to the door and unlocking it. "I can't believe them!" Connor said as he stormed into the hansen house immediately when the door opened. "Those closed minded assholes!" Connor continued as he went up to Evan room and flopped on his. "What happen?" Evan asked as he closed the door, moving over to sit on he desk chair. "Evan I made the biggest mistake of my life today," Connor said looking at the ceiling. "Illabrate," Evan said calmly. It wasn't unusual for Connor to storm into the Hansen house hold complaining about something. Evan didn't mind, seeing as they had been bestfriend since they were little, and usually they would end up doing something else after connor vented for a little bit. "I came out to my family," Connor said. Evan sat still for a bit, shocked. "So how badly did they reacted?" Evan asked concerned. "Firstly they passed it off as, 'Oh he's high off his ass again,' and then, when they figured out i was serious, mum and dad started ranting about the bible, and God's word, and how it was disgusting, and now i think they're sending me to one of those camp to make me straight," Connor said. "So are you going to go then?" Evan asked. "No, but if i do I will fuck it up for the rest of the families by banging every guy there," Connor laughed. Evan hopped off the chair and laid down next to Connor. "So Zoe seemed pretty cool with it?" Evan asked. "Yeah, she helped me escape, but she made it clear she still thinks i'm a jackass, she just doesn't like how homophobic our parents are," he explained. "I whish me and Zoe were closer sometimes but, I guess I fucked that up," Connor sighed. He rolled over to face Evan and Evan did the same. "Evan?" Connor asked looking into Evans sky blue eye. "Yeah," Evan answered looking into connor's hazel eyes, a content look on both of their faces. "Did I ever tell you how I figured out I was gay?" Conor asked. Evan thought for a moment before answering no. "Well we were around 12 and on a school camp," Connor started. "The one by the beach, with the fair?" Evan asked. "Yeah that one," Evan nodded and Connor continued. "So a group of kids got together and we snuck out to the fair. I got you to come along somehow, and we played all those fair games and stuff, and we went on the rides and I the ferris wheel," Connor paused remembering it. "You sat there with a big dopey grin on your face holding that panda I won you, and it was amazing I wished we could have stayed there for ever," Connor sighed. Evan looked a little shocked and amazed at the same time, a light blush dusting his face. "But when we got off one of the teachers spotted us and we were dragged back to the place we were staying, and when the rest of the kids were rangled up were all scolded," Connor said. "Yeah, and you told the teacher that you forced me to go, and i kept telling you it was a bad idea and we should go back, and she believed you so i was the only one who got off easy," Evan said. "Yeah, because you would have cried if they yelled at you," Connor laughed. "No I wouldn't!" Evan exclaimed. Connor just laughed more earning a huff from Evan, as he rolled on to his back gain. "Well when I got back you were half asleep, even though you tried to stay awake, you asked if i was ok and all that, and then you thanked me," Connor paused rolling on his back. "Not only for lying for you, but cause that was genuinely the best time you had had in awhile, and then you gave me that damn adorable smile and went to sleep, and I realized, I was in love with you," Connor said turning his head to face Evan, giving a small smile. Evan laid there a little shocked, his face growing redder. "M-me?" Evan asked, confused as to why Connor, at age, would like him. "Yes, Evan you dork," Connor said looking back at the roof before finally deciding on something. Evan felt a slight shift in the bed before Connor leaned over and kissed him. Evan was shocked at first but soon kissed back, and the two sheared their moment of complete and utter bliss.

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