The power within unleashed

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(y/n)'s pov around 1 months later after the events of the last chapter.

It has been a crazy time for me and Gipsy  every since we arrived at Remnant but its been good living in the village with Fiona and her family. At first I had a difficult time trying to remove my suit thankfully Mr. Walker helped me out with it but the real problem came when me and Mr. Walker  realized that I did not have any spare clothes with me once I was out of my suit. Then to talk about bad timing Fiona came knocking  the door in the room I was staying in. When she heard no response she came in before her dad said anything she stop and started to get red as a tomato and I saw her have a nosebleed. Probably due to the fact I was off of my suit and in my bare (f/c) boxes and also saw my exposed thick muscles and six pack and my (s/c) skin. After Gipsy found out he couldn't stop laughing for a whole week.

Fiona's pov during when (y/n) was near naked XD

It was nice having (y/n) and Gipsy living with us. Those two are really something. Well yesterday those two were the first ones to wake up and made us breakfast and it was delicious.

Flashback of yesterday

I was waking up by smelling something delicious being cooked. I walked downstairs still in my pjs and saw my mom and dad there.

Fiona: Who's cooking?

Mr.Walker: I think it's (y/n) and Gipsy.

Mrs.Walker:It smells delicious.

Gipsy walked out of the kitchen with two ready plates and mugs.

Mr. Walker: Morning to you two Gipsy.

Gipsy: Good morning Fiona, Mr and Mrs Walker please take a seat breakfast is served.

As Gipsy said it we sit down and handed the two plates to my mom and dad and gave them their mug of coffee they were amazed by the food and started eating as Gipsy took all seat next to mom. Then I saw (y/n) walking with two other plates of food and sat next to me and handed me the plate and my drink I was surprised by how it smell and when I took a bite all my taste buds were numb by how delicious the food was. I saw him smile.

(y/n): I'm glad your enjoying the meal I made.

Mr. Walker: Its delicious (y/n) where did you learn to cook.

(y/n):Well I needed another hobby than just exercise so I secretly learn how to cook a few things that's (favorite breakfast).

Ms.Walker: Well you are full of surprises are you (y/n).(looks at me)  Fiona he's a keeper.

(y/n):Wait what she said? (after taking a sip from (f/d))

Fiona:*blushing*nothing,nothing at all.

That was close luckily everything went normal and after we were done we thanked them again as me and mom were washing the dishes and seemed he cleaned up after he was done that impressed us more.

End of flashback and back to were we left of.

Right now Gipsy is downstairs helping my mom around the house. I was gonna check on (y/n) to see if he's alright and hoping to get to hang out with him to know him better. When I arrived at the room where he and Gipsy are staying in I knocked on his door but got no response. I though he was still sleeping so I thought I could wake him up. When I opened the door I and saw with my own eyes something many girls would dream of seeing it and it made my heart skip a beat. There he was (y/n) in his (f/c) boxers. I saw his muscles and six pack and they are not to big or to small but somewhere  in the middle and with his (s/c) skin he look in better shape than most of the guys I know. I also saw my dad here but I guess he helped (y/n) out of his suit but I didn't pay attention to him I was so in trans by (y/n)'s body that my face started to heat up and I felt blood coming out of my nose. I was pushed out by my Father and he closed the door after we left the room and walk abut down the hallway a bit and stop and my dad asked me.

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