The new order rises

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The path is clear the route that (y/n),Fiona and Gipsy take will give the people of remnant hope who were oppressed by the Grimm and terror. From  those who want to see the world burn or rule with a tyrannical rule. The new order will be comprised of only those who have shown who have a great heart and soul.

(y/n)'s pov

It has been a while since we left beacon and now for the first day we've been traveling all over remnant to gather men,women and faunas who we can see wants to do a difference and live in harmony and peace. Those are the kind of people I respect after we did our travels and went back to HQ. There were a total of  30,000 half human and other half faunas who came with us after we told them that there is a group who want to fight the grimm and evil. After the last ones arrived we escorted the to the hanger. Since the HQ was so big that I don't know all of its floors. Me,Fiona ,and Gipsy were on top of the platform with our armor on and soon they turn their focus on us.

Faunas Male: Why did bring us here?

(y/n): Excellent question and now I will answer it. The reason that I have brought you all here is that I can see that you all have the capacity to become a knight of remnant.

They all look confused about what I said. So I explained to them about the knights and show them evidence and on e done they were all speechless.

Faunas female: How will we now that you will treat us Faunas as equals?

Fiona stepped forward and took off her helmet and revealed her face and many were in awe.

Fiona: I know he will I saw firsthand how he cares for me and others regardless of being human or faunas.

I took off my helmet and the process repeated. But what really made them shock was when Fiona came to me and gave me a kiss in the mouth and they were all mouth dropped.

(y/n): If you all join I will not tolerate racism from anyone and will be dealt with according. For take a look around you for these will be your fellow brothers and sisters in arms for we will take the fight to the Grimm and those who want to harm others. To fight for a better future for us, our families, and friends.

They were in a pause for 1 minute and one male human and faunas came forward.

Human male: I'll join.

Male Faunas: So will I.

Then one after another until all 30,000 said they'll join. It made my heart full of pride, as I know that Sir Lancelot and the others from his order will be proud the same for seeing all of them joining together under one symbol. During the time I gotten a new symbol for the new order. I choose the symbol of the dragon for they are wise,and powerful creatures and in many stories are full of honor,courage,and strength and sometimes are shown to be guardians. A symbol that was more than decoration but a code to follow and uphold and to lead by example till the very end.

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