The maiden

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(Sorry I didn't upload a new chapter but I got caught up in a few high school things like college things. I will try my best to get more out as I can. Now onto the story. )

During the time that you and Fiona did the 'thing' were now resting for an hour until you heard a ring in your scroll. 

*whim, whim*

(y/n)'s pov

I really need to change the alarm. Thankfully that we got our scrolls in like 2 weeks ago.  When I got my scroll I can see there was a message that was sent to you by Ozpin.

"(y/n) I want you and your team to meet me in my office as soon as you can. It's of the utmost importance that we talk."

I knew that it would be a matter of time before that we get called up for a talk. I turn over to see Fiona still a sleeping in my arms. Though I think how lucky I am to have a great and beautiful girl to be my girlfriend. I gently poke her cheek as she open up her eyes I said.

(y/n): Time to wake up.

Fiona: I don't want to,I want to stay here with you.

(y/n): As much as I would like it we can't. Ozpin  has called us to meet him.

Fiona: Why?

(y/n): To have a talk.

Fiona: Does he know?

(y/n): Maybe, he is not an idiot and has his suspicions. Well you get to go use the shower first. While you do that I need to clean up here.

Fiona: Why don't we take a shower together~.

(y/n): Is that your heat talking or are you serious?

Fiona:*giggles* maybe it is one or the other or both so what do your say~.

(y/n):*chuckles* Maybe next time besides I need to fix this before Gipsy gets back.

Fiona: By the way you are safe for a another month or not hehehe~😈.

(y/n):😶*thinking *uh well got to be ready then who knows when she might strike.

She got up still without clothes as she waged her tail to get her towel and clean clothes.

Fiona: like what you see.

(y/n): You know I do.

She giggled as she went to the bathroom and I started to clean.

*timeskip to when it is all fix and both clean with clothes. Brought to you by chibi (y/n) running for his life from Yang*

After we got ready we went to get Gipsy out off team RWBY's room.
As we started to go there Fiona intertwined her hand with mine and it felt right. Wonder how he's doing.

gipsy's pov

Weiss: Gipsy can I ask a question.

Gipsy: Sure.

Weiss:I wonder what kind of robot are you for I never seen any that look like you.

Shit got think of something quickly.

Gipsy: I ugh was built by (y/n).

Ruby: Really.

Gipsy: Yeah he's a smart guy.

*knock, knock*

Speak of the devil. As I saw Ruby walk towards the door and open it I saw (y/n) and Fiona holding hands. I'm glad to see those two together.

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