Start Again

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Rin woke to the sound of her phone ringing. Huh? What happened? Had she collapsed when she got home? She doesn't remember getting changed when she got home? She looked around for her phone. It wasn't in her bag, or next to her bed. It was lying on the floor underneath her bed.

She reached for the phone at the text. A party? Suddenly her phone rang. She and looked at the caller ID. It was her friend Carla. Ugh...what does she want now?!? She placed the phone near her ear.

"Hey got your text. What’s up with this party?"

"You know just planning a “little get together”. So you coming or not?"

"I don’t know I don’t feel like going. And you know I don’t fit in a crowd."

"OH COME ON! You barely leave your bloody house!"

"I just don’t know. I might freak out you know." Rin had always been able to talk to Carla. Her friendly attitude meant that she didn't judge Rin forward her actions. She was probably her closest friend throughout her time at school. In fact, she was her only friend.

"OH MY GOSH! You have to just get over it and staying trap inside your house is not going to help your situation. You know I’m trying to help you here."

Rin sighs into her hand "…fine I’ll go"

"Yes! You better come or I’ll have to come round and physically drag you here." Carla laughed at herself.

At this point, Rin was getting slightly annoyed at the fact she had agreed to go to a party. She was not a party person, and last time she went to one... Actually... She couldn't quite remember what happened last time? All she knew is that it wasn't good. "Ok ok! I already said I’m going. Anyways what time does it start?"

"Good! Well…" she heard someone cheering in the background. "The party already started SO HURRY AND GET OVER HERE!" Her friend hung up the phone. Rin puts her phone down next to her on the bed, before walking over to her closet and putting on some 'party' clothes.

As she goes to exit her room, she looks back at her pills, on her bedside cabinet. Maybe she didn't need them today. Besides, she didn't know if they would react with the alcohol she would definitely be drinking to get through today. Stupid pills! Why should I have to take you. All you do is ruin my life! She walked over to her pills and threw them all over the floor. She hated them. More than anything. She walked down the stairs.

As she walks through the hallway of her home. Lisa heard her sisters footsteps. She calls for her. But Rin had already walked outside and was on her way to the party.

Lisa walks to the stairs and calls up for her sister. No answer.

She continued to walk up the stairs and towards her sisters room. She slowly opened the door. All she could see was Rin's pills. Scattered across the floor.

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