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"When something bad happens you have three choices. You can either let it define you, let it destroy you, or let it strengthen you." - Journey to Silence

I refused to eat.
To bathe.
To socialize.
For the first couple of weeks, the whole gang came, everyday, to tell me the isle happening.
I refused to talk, or even acknowledge their existence. They had removed the restraints after two weeks, but I still refused to move. Every time, I could tell, the boys had been dragged here against their will. I heard Evie arguing with them when they thought I couldn't hear them about how they're the only thing keeping me alive.
Whatever they want to believe.
Eventually it was just Evie who came and she usually just sat there, making up lies about where and why the boys weren't there.
I didn't blame them.
Who wants to try and socialize with a pregnant 16 year old?
I know I wouldn't.
As I was zoning off into another of Evie's boring isle talks, something perked my interest.
Evie was talking about a trial.
"Your mothers having a trial for the whole pirate crew! She's fuming about your, uh.... accident." Evie stumbled over her words as my gaze fell on her. For the first time in a month, I spoke. At first, nothing came out but I cleared my throats and my raspy voice filled the room.
"My mother's having... a trial?"
Evie looked at me in surprise. "Um...yeah Mal. I told you they caught the pirate crew a week ago! They even have Uma locked up right now."
At that news, I slowly inched my legs off the side of the bed. Evie rushed over to try and help me but I put my hand out to stop her. I needed to do this by myself. She stepped back and I tentatively put a foot on the ground.
It was cold.
I recoiled and took a deep breath before putting both feet on the ground. I slid myself off my bed, careful to not let my body bang against anything. I reached toward Evie and she let my body lean against hers.
Shakily, I put my left foot forward a tiny step, testing my weight on it.
It held.
I let out the breath that I was unconsciously holding and heard Evie do the same. I turned my head toward her and gave her a small smile.
At least someone cared.
"Do you want to go watch the trial?" Evie asked in a gentle voice, trying not to spook me. "If not, we can just stay up here."
I looked down at the small swell that was my stomach and made a decision.
"I want to go watch." I said firmly. I ripped the I.V. drip from my arm. With Evie's help, I got dressed in one of my many leather outfits. Evie slid my gloves on.
As I got ready to shuffle out the door, I caught my reflection in my cracked mirror and gaped, mouth open.
Everywhere on my face, my eyes rimmed in yellow tinge, cuts on my forehead, chin, and neck that were starting to scab.
I was a wreck.
I felt a hand on my shoulder, but relaxed as I saw it was only Evie.
"Do you want me to fix you up a little?" She said, trying to help.
I took a long look back at my shattered image and shook my head.
"They need to see what they did to me."

Lifting my chin high, I stumbled out of my room, Evie supporting me when I needed it. As I walked into one of the many rooms my mother trialed in, heads swiveled and necks craned to get a glimpse of their future queen.
"Ahhh, there she is!" My mother's voice rang out and I pushed Evie's hand from my shoulder, determined to look strong.
Even though it was a short distance, I was still winded when I reached the foot of my mother's chair. She beckoned to me and I slid into mine , ignoring the shiver that went up my spine as my fingers brushed dried blood.
My blood.
I closed my flickering eyes before opening them again to reveal a light blue. I could feel the burning stares as everyone in the room trained their glares on me.
Maleficent cleared her throat. "The trial has begun."
I sighed quietly and picked at my dirty fingernails, trying to control my anxiety. Everyone from that night was in the same room as me.
Most of them had sneers on their faces and a couple were stealing cold, hard, glances. I heard a silence come over the room and looked up to see the henchmen dragging... another pirate?
"Please! I didn't do anything! I tried to help her! I'm not one of them!"
A gasp escaped my mouth and I quickly shut it.
I knew that voice.
Harry came back.
She gave me a warning look before rising from her throne and addressing the court. "I'm so glad all of you could make it! My men had so much fun gathering you from your hiding places. Lovely game of hide and seek." She glanced at me before turning back toward them all. Her voice grew cold. "We have gathered you here to punish your unworthy acts of infringement on my daughter."
I cringed slightly at the term 'infringement'. It was more than infringement.
Turning my attention back to the crowd, I tried to make eye contact with Harry, but he was glaring at my mother with vengeance. Lucifer, I loved that boy since we secretly got together a year ago. But no one could know. Glancing at my mother I muttered under my breath, "Especially her."

As the trial went on, I pushed my feelings down. I could not cry.
Crying is weakness.
I will not be that weak again.
One after another, men stood up, tried to plead their innocence, and failed. Finally, there were only three left.
Uma went first.
"And how do you plea, little girl?" Judge Frollo drones in a bored tone.
Uma smirked before replying.
"I plead guilty."
I winced even though I knew her pride would never let her be innocent. Her eyes never left mine as she was dragged away to be punished for eternity. It ran a shiver up my back.
Turning my attention back, I saw a kid, maybe 6 or 7, move forward, his face tear stained and his bottom lip trembling.  My mother glanced at me and I tilted my head to the left.
He was innocent.
The little boy looked surprised as the guards sent him the other way, giving me glances over his shoulder on the way out.
A smile lifted the left corner of my mouth.
Maybe now he'll find a better life.
He was last. It looked like he had been beat up recently. I shook slightly as the judge pondered over the options, before he looked at Maleficent with a confused face.
She sighed and turned toward Harry.
"Why should we believe you tried to help my daughter?" She said, tapping her long nails on the arm of her chair.
"Because he did."
A voice rang out and I looked around, confused as everyone's head turned toward me.
I quickly cursed as I realized it was me who's voice had filled the empty room.
The corners lifted up from Maleficent's mouth and her evil laugh rang out.
Shit. Shit. Shit.
"Very well, we'll have to keep him for... further investigation. The basement, if you please." 
I breathed a sigh of relief. He wasn't going to die.
As I went to stand up, a claw poked my chest. "Why did you stick up for him?" She asked, obviously curious.
I shrugged, trying to be nonchalant. "He really did try and help me. That's what the bruises were from on his face. Now I have to repay him." I put a scowl on my face and rolled my eyes. "Are we done here, cause that was boring." I huffed.
Maleficent's eyes glowed a bright green and mine matched her gaze as I lifted my chin, determined to win this time.
10 minutes later, she blinked and I smirked. "I think you're losing your touch, Mother!" I exclaimed before shuffling quickly to my room, breathing a sigh of relief as she didn't follow. I limped over to my bed and laid down with a thud. Putting my hands over my stomach, I carefully observed it.
Little change.
I had something growing in me.
My T-shirt stuck to me as sweat poured down my body. I thrashed as multiple men's faces looked down on mine. There were hands on my shoulders, knives to my throats as I tried to shove them off. Three guys holding my arms as I tried to get them to stop, trying to get them off me, tears pouring down my cheeks.
My eyes flew open. Rolling on my side, I waited for the round of nausea to pass. Glancing at my clock, I realized the time. 2:30 A.M.
Another nightmare.
I couldn't sleep. These had been routine for the past couple weeks. The exhaustion had been catching up with me and it showed. My hand grazed across the mark on my cheek.
A slash mark.
My mother's way of telling me to pay attention to her "worthy" teaching.
I shuttered, before climbing out of bed and ripping my shirt off. I leaned against the wall, sliding down and putting my head back, strands of hair clinging to my face.
A shuffling noise abruptly sounded and I jumped. Scooching backwards, I put my hands over my bare chest as fear reflected in the mirror across the room. My door creaked open and a shadow stretched across. I closed my eyes, shaking now, from head to toe, waiting for my capturs to hurt me once again. Waiting for their grimy hands to roughly car-
My eyelids flew open and I breathed a sigh relief and struggled up. "Harry." I said breathily taking in his rugged appearance. He took a step forward, putting his hand out, his gaze never lifting from my eyes. Harry pulled me into a bone-crushing hug. His cologne overpowered me and I smiled into his coat. Looking up, I saw his stormy eyes staring adoringly at me, like I was his world. All I knew was that...
He was mine.
I snuggled up against his chest. "I'm tired." I groaned, guiding him to bed.
Laying down, I beckoned to him and I leaned into his chest.
"If your mother finds us, I'm dead." He murmured into my hair.
"Let her, all I care about is you."

For the rest of the night, I slept like a dream, Harry's warm breath soothing in my ear.

YAYYYYYYY 70 reads!!! I love you all!!!' Thank you 666_clo_6 for commenting!!!! New chapter tommarow!! Please tell me what you think and how I can make it better!!! Shouting out anyone who comments!!!

UnlovedOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora