Death Do Us Part

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"Death leaves a heartache no one can heal
Love leaves a memory no one can steal."

I sprinted through the trees, my breath coming in ragged gasps as branches whipped across my face. I barely registered the blood dripping down from my forehead as I raced in the direction of Evie's house.

Evie has always been kind to me in a motherly sort of way and the times when I couldn't go home were the times I showed up at her house.

I needed answers and she was the one who usually had the answers.

I slowed my pace as her porch came into view, but shielded my eyes at the rising sun.

The sun.

My eyes widened in horror as I thought about the punishment I would get for not bringing Luke's head home. I'd get beaten, tortured, if I wasn't lucky, raped and killed.

Fed to the wolves.

In that split second, I made up my mind.

I had to kill him.

My heart leaped into my throat and tears; real, not fake; flooded my eyes.

But I had to do it, for the good of the isle. It would save me from Grandmother's wrath, our mother from the heartache of having to send her son back to Auradon, and me; from the torture of having to watch my brother live a cushy life while I fought for survival. I hated him for that.

The childhood I dreamed of he took for granted.

But a small voice in the back of my head wormed its way into my thoughts, edging me to think carefully about my decision. I quickly shook my head, trying to get rid of the bug in my brain. My eyes snapped open as I heard a familiar voice and I looked up to see Luke walking out of Evie's house.


I fingered the dagger on my belt, tracing the letters carved into the blade. Sliding it into my right hand, I took a deep breath and jogged after Luke, trying to catch his attention.

"Luke!" I waved my hand in the air and a small smile flickered onto my face as he turned in my direction, a warm welcome plastered in his features.

"Melanie." He gestured to his side. "Walk with me?"

I nodded in agreement, sliding next to him on his right, the dagger in my opposite hand making my knuckles turn white. I tried to talk but no words came out and relief flooded me as he began to speak.

"How was your life? I mean here, on the isle? What's our mother like?"

His questions were sincere and I glanced at him before responding.

"This isle sucks. I didn't grow up with mother, I just met her a couple days ago. I lived with our grandmother, Maleficent. We go days without food because there never is quite enough. Adults eat first, children second. Beatings take place on a regularly and you have to make your self geared if you want to survive. Everyone's a target. And it's all because of your stupid King and Queen" I answered him in a somber tone and scowled as his warm voice flooded my ears.

"Life in Auradon is tough!" He defended and I glared at him as he continued. "The kids there will bully a student until he cries, if you're not the biggest or the strongest you suffer! The only difference between Auradon and your isle is the food!"

I turned to him, eyes blazing a bright green. "That's where you're wrong. Auradon is nothing like the Isle. You have comfort, safety and the guarantee of a roof over your head every night. On the Isle, everyday is a fight against the other villains for survival. If you don't wake up early enough, you don't eat. If you're not obedient, you get beat. I'm lucky because I'm the granddaughter of Maleficent and we live in the rundown castle on the North part of the isle, but I wake up everyday wondering if it'll be my last. Love is considered a weakness so relationships are far and few between. And the food here is your trash. So no, Auradon and the Isle are completely different and you and I are too. I would never, in a million years call a spoiled, little, Auradon brat my brother." I spat the last sentence, switching my dagger to my left hand. His eyes widened and he stepped back, pressing into a tree. "You'll end up leaving and breaking Mal's heart. OUR MOTHER! But you don't even care about her cause you're the "son of the king and queen". Well, guess what? I'm going to fix this Isle's problem right now." I snarled. The anger in my voice surprised even me and for a split second, I imagined us three as a family. The image quickly melted away as I shook my head, flipping my dagger and steadying its point.

Steadying my breathing, I shouted, loud enough so people would hear me. "For the evil of the Isle! And Maleficent." I muttered the last part low enough so not even Luke could hear it.

And then I threw the knife.

The blade caught the rising sun and glinted in the air, catching my eye. I blinked as a flash of purple flew right in front of the knife. I heard the sucking sound as it hit its target and latched itself onto its victim. Shielding my eyes front the blinding light, my heart dropped and I stood, frozen as I looked down at the dead body of my mother. My mouth was suddenly dry and I couldn't speak as I glanced from Luke to the pooling puddle of blood that was steadily streaming out of the wound. I could barely breathe and I fell to my knees, a choked sob escaping my grasp.

Mal, Queen of the Isle, Daughter of Maleficent had sacrificed herself for her son.

And I had been the one to kill her.


489 reads guys!!!! Tayyyyy!!! So Mal does in this one! How will Evie react? How will Luke react? How will Maleficent react knowing her only daughter is gone? Find out in the next chapter!

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