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I missed Ivy.
That was the thing that mostly filled my head. The days were dragging, one after another. Ten of them. Ten days since I had seen her. It felt like forever and my throat tightened with emotion as all I could think of was her soft lips.
Was she hurt? Was she being treated well on the isle?

I was snapped out of my thoughts as Belle knocked on my door, entering as she did. "Luke?" She asked softly, her brown hair tight against her head.

I scowled, my eyes flickering gold as I flared up at her. "Get out of my room. You have no place here."

"I wanted you to know that Melanie isn't adjusting well. And she's been asking about you."

"Tell her I don't want to see her. Tell her to figure it out."

Belle sighed. "She's pulled a knife on multiple students. We've already have parents complain. If she can't control herself, she'll need to be unenrolled and sent back," She looked at me pleadingly, sitting on the edge of my bed. "I understand you're upset at us, but I'm asking a favor from you. Can you do that for me?" Her eyes were soft, patting my head as I let out a grunt.


"Oh good!" Belle clasped her hands together. "She's in medical. I attempted to get a psychiatrist to talk to her, but Melanie refuses to talk. Maybe you could convince her. I'm proud of you." Her last words thudded against my temple, staying there long after she had closed the door and left.

"Fucking Melanie." I cursed quietly, standing and ruffling my jet black hair. I flicked the light off, before heading down to the med hall, ignoring the stares and whispers of the others.

As I entered the medical wing, a chilling cackle that could only be one person drove up my spine.

"You think I'll talk to you? You think you can fix me? You're sadly mistaken!" The laugh could be heard down the hall, as I finally entered the room.

She had been cuffed to the bed, straps placed across her. Her eyes were wild, not a hint of sanity in them. Her wrists were raw, and her body gaunt, as if she had not eaten in days. The psychiatrist looked relieved as I sat beside her.

"She refuses to eat. She's constantly confused as to where she is and is trying to hurt other students." The woman dabbed her eyes, standing. "Let me know if you break through to her. Otherwise, I'm putting in a request to get her sent to the Psychiatric Ward across town." With that, she was gone, whisking out of the room.

I hadn't noticed, but Melanie's eyes had turned to me. "They think I'm crazy. Imagine that?" She laughed, letting her head fall back. Her eyes flickered from blue to green as she stared at the ceiling. "Fucking crazy, I think not..." Her voice trailed as she started to argue with herself, a hushed whisper back and forth in different tones.

Biting my lip, I dug my fingers into my hair, staring at the ground. A solution wandered through my head, and I snapped my head up. "Weslon." I motioned to the guard. "Get me the pirate. Don't chain him, tell him that he's coming to see her. Quickly."

The man disappeared, heading down to the basement quickly. I stared at Melanie, the minutes ticking by before I heard the door open once more, and a raggedy looking boy appeared in the doorway, his cheeks sunken from mistreatment.

"Mel..." His voice was barely a breathe, but silence filled the room as Melanie immediately shut up, turning her head to stare at the pirate.

"Cole?" Her voice was tiny and I held my breath, hoping it was for the better. "Cole!" A smile lit upon her face as she strained against her safety straps and he stepped quickly to her side, engulfing her body in a hug.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 07, 2019 ⏰

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