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"Not everyone will understand your journey. That's fine."- unknown website

I hit the ground with a thud, rolling into a full-on sprint. My heart rate sped up as heavy breathing gained on me, adrenaline coursing through my body as I pushed myself faster than ever before. My breath came in short gasps and I could see the outline of the trees ahead, signaling my safety. Hot breath was on my tail now and I felt my eyes start to flicker, my legs working faster and faster as golden light flooded my vision path. Right as I hit the edge of the trees, a body tackled me and the golden glow sprouting from my eyes dimmed. My face hardened in anger as I struggled up, spitting out grass and dirt. I shot a dirty look in my older brother's direction.
"What the hell, Ben! I almost made it!" 
When he didn't respond, I turned, my fists clenched. My face grew cold as I saw him hunched over in the tall grass, holding his sides as he let out breathless laughter. In between gasps for breath, words dribbled out of his mouth.
" still can't... still can't run faster...faster than me!" He sat up, his breath steadying. "And you have powers!"
I quickly shushed him, glancing quickly around. "Shut up Ben! You know not even mom and dad know about my...eyes! Why would you scream it out for the whole fucking world to hear? Do you want me to get questioned? It's like you've had it in for me the second I was born! Just leave me alone!" I could feel the anger coursing through my body as I struggled to keep my eyes from glowing. The light flickered on and off and it gave the forest an eerie glow. Ben sat up, obviously uncomfortable. He looked around before reaching out and placing a hand on my shoulder. I ripped it off before glaring at him. "I don't fit in here and I don't think I ever will!"

He sat quiet for a moment and I slowly calmed down. I closed my eyes and when I opened them, they were a light blue. Sighing, I knew the lecture that was coming. This was the third time this week that I had gotten angry enough to scare Ben.

And that's saying something.

Ever since my birthday last Monday, I had been getting flashback like visons, almost like in pieces. I hadn't gotten any sleep recently, because every time I did, flashes of purple and green would consume my mind and a soft voice would reach my ears.

Ben's voice snapped me out of my thoughts.

"Luke, I think its time Mom and Dad tell you about your past."

I looked at him, confused. "I know my past already." When he didn't respond, I recited it; having heard it every single time something abnormal happened in the past fifteen years.

"You were dropped on the Queen's doorstep sick and weak and would have died if we hadn't taken you in from the cold. don't worry about finding your biological parents; we'll be all you'll ever want and need." I mimicked our mother's high pitched voice and my father's occasional gruff join in. I gave Ben a look of disgust. "That's all that there will ever be to my "past"." With that said, I whirled around, stomping out of the forest, a furious look on my face. I could hear Ben mumbling on the phone behind me about something, probably one of his kingly duties. I rolled my eyes and continued walking.

As I shuffled up the steps, I suddenly gasped, a sharp pain exploding in my head. I fell to my knees, I could feel arms lift me up but I curled into a ball as my vision went blurry. Faces swarmed in front of my eyes, all unfamiliar, and the pain became unbearable. I heard a blood-curdling scream and realized it was my mouth that the scream had escaped from. I melted into the darkness as I heard sirens and anxious voices just outside my eyelids.


That's all I could hear as I struggled to cut through the thick webs of darkness. I finally broke through and let out a sigh of relief but quickly wrinkled my nose. The smell of fish guts and rotten food drifted throughout the atmosphere and just the thought of it made nausea build up in my throat. I quickly swallowed and realized I was.....floating? I looked at my hands and they looked....normal? I guess? Shaking my head, a head of black hair caught my vision and I peered at it, curious. Willing myself forward, o found that I could easily move as I pleased. As I followed the black haired being, someone ran right past me. I took a sharp breath and closed my eyes waiting for impact. When it never came, I cracked my eyes open to see that the person had gone right though me. I could feel myself pale and the nausea rumbled in the the back of throat, threating to make an appearance.

A human being had just walked through me.

My eyes snapped open as I heard a scuffle below me. I noticed that the raven hair belonged to a girl; one who seemed to have tackled a young...pirate? Confused, I drifted closer, no longer bothering to hide because apparently; I was invisible. The pair seemed to be laughing and a smile lit my face. It looked like we were back in Auradon. I lazily followed them, drifting in and out of their conversations as they talked about the things that they were gonna steal and who had died that week. i figured out that i was on the isle of the lost the minute they started talking about the Queen.

The Queen, as she was referred to on Auradon, was the cruelest of cruel; the evilest of evil. Rumor had it she had a pair of twins and sliced their heads off at her mother, Maleficent's, order. A shiver ran up my spine and I ran a hand through my hair. In a way, a slice of pity for the Queen edged itself out. As the daughter of Maleficent, she must have been held to some sort of evil standard. I noticed that the couple had walked to the edge of the pier and I sat on a bench close by, catching my breath from having to keep up with them.

A flash of purple caught my eye and I turned quickly, panic rising as what seemed like a younger women crept just to the edge of the pier, slipping behind a tree. For some reason, i felt a connection wiht the raven haired girl and I was determined to keep her safe.

I watched helplessly as the girl and the pirate walked closer and closer to the purple haired women's hiding spot. My breath caught in my throat as the black-haired girl; Melanie, I think it was, I had heard the pirate say it once or twice; stopped suddenly, right in front of the tree the other women had been hiding behind. I willed her not to go any further, sensing trouble. An irritated scowl appeared on Melanie's face and I watched as she confronted the purple haired women. I floated closer, and it almost looked like they were arguing. A smidge of their conversation fell onto my intent ears and my jaw dropped.

Your brother Luke is still in Auradon.


Thank you for the 220 reads! I love you all! the oicture in the beginning is of what I picture Luke as he is portrayed by Leo Mangieri. Comment adn Vote! This chapter is in Luke's point of view and the previous was in Melanie's. Ill resume Mal's for a little bit i think though. Thanks for reading!!

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