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"You and I are more than friends.

We're like a really small gang." - Unknown book

I stumbled as I tackled through the long thorned vines that encircled the perimeter of the school grounds. I hissed in pain as one snagged on my arm and blood swirled in the small cut. I examined it quickly before shaking my head and continuing to push through. "The limo." I thought. "The limo is my one way ticket out of here." A sigh of relief escaped my lips as my hand brushed against a concrete wall.

I had made it.

I peered around the corer, confirming that the lot was empty. Danger signs exploded in my head at the thought of the garage being unguarded but I shrugged them off.

I was getting out of Auradon whether people liked it or not.

I tried the doorknob and rolled my eyes at the locked door. A smirk appeared on my face as I pulled out the universal key Ivy had given me. Sweet, beautiful, caring Ivy. A pang of guilt hit me as the thought of leaving her here alone popped into my head. I had met her in my second year of schooling and we had immediately hit it off. We were like two peas in a pod, as our teachers referred to us as. Because I was the adopted son of the royal family, I was always overshadowed by Ben's accomplishments. I was bullied and really alone. The day I met Ivy, I immediately felt confident and stronger then the others. Her and I stuck together and I found out she was used to being shunned by the other kids; being the mute daughter of two secondary citizens really took a toll on her and in year six I caught her as she jumped off the balcony in her room. After that, she clung to me, like a vine does to a tree, and we slowly became more than just friends. She put up a good front but I knew that being alone for this long would slowly kill her.

I shook my head. "Focus Luke." I murmured to my self as I slipped inside the garage, the only light coming from the faint glow of my iris's. I slowly peeled the cover off the pitch black car and stood there for a second, admiring how sleek the vehicle looked. I glanced around once more before slowly pulling the garage door open. A blast of cold air hit me and I felt a shiver go up my back. It was eerily silent and I closed my eyes briefly before slipping a hand into the door handle of the car and cautiously opening it, flinching as it creaked, the noise echoing throughout the room. I relaxed and pulled myself in. My hand immediately went to the back of my head as a loud crack sounded. I winced as my fingers brushed the bump that was quickly forming and I groaned in pain, cursing myself for not being more careful. A surge of adrenaline hit me and my stomach fluttered as the key molded into print. A smirk appeared on my face as the limo fired up, first turn, and  I gripped the steering wheel. I blankly stared at the buttons on the dash, before my eyes traveled to the arm besides the steering wheel, and I reached forward, moving the blinking light to the letter D. I felt a jolt and my knuckles turned white as my foot came down quickly. The screeching of tires could be heard and I stared in horror as  the car jerked forward and a tree loomed in my path. I shut my eyes and turned my head, waiting for it to be over. Before I could react, someone ripped me out of the drivers seat and replaced my position. I saw as they signed about "useless lovers". I slowly opened my eyes as the pitch black figure ripped the steering wheel to the right and the looming tree disappeared. A sigh of relief escaped the other person's lips and they visibly relaxed. I stared at them in confusion as my eyes adjusted to the lighting. A pair of hazel orbs flashed at me and I rolled my eyes, immediately recognizing the glare that was directed in my direction.
I groaned in frustration as the light flickered on and it was my turn to glare at her. "What are you doing here?" I growled. When she didn't answer me, anger flowed through me and I could feel my eyes turning a golden color. My hand grasped her chin roughly and I stared into her eyes. "I asked, What are you doing here?!" I half yelled. I immediately regretted it as she flinched backwards, dropping the hand that had been inching toward my face. Fear spread into her eyes as she curled into the fetal position, starting to rock. I cursed myself for being tough on her. She had just saved my life; she didn't deserve this.
She had been through enough.
I lifted her fragile figure up, grunting in effort, worry slipping into my mind as her ribs brushed my fingers, a lot more prominent then they were a couple months ago. My muscles flexed as I held her closer to me, my heart synced to hers. My lips went to her forehead and she slowly stopped rocking. A sigh of relief escaped my lips as her piercing gaze rested on me.
Her panic attack was over.
My voice was gruff as I gently sat her on my lap, my head on her head, my fingers absentmindedly playing with her hair. "I'm sorry for getting after you." I glanced at her before continuing. "And thank you for saving my life." I could feel the smug expression start to stretch onto her face and I chuckled slightly.
That's my girl.
She slipped into the driver seat and a scowl formed on my face and I shook my head.
She glared at me before flipping me off and restarting the vehicle. I rolled my eyes and put a hand on her shoulder. "Iv, it's too dangerous there. They'll kill you!" I could hear the panic in my voice but I ignored it. She needed to know. "I can't- I cant lose you." My voice cracked and I glanced at her. She stared ahead, refusing to meet my gaze as she shifted the car into gear and we slowly drove between trees. I crossed my arms and stared out the window, my stomach feeling like a junior sailor was practicing their knots inside. A flicker crossed the edge of my gaze and my head snapped to the front of the car as we sped toward the Great Lake. My eyes widened and I leaned back in my seat, a look of horror on my face. My arm reached out to Ivy and I fleetingly glanced at her face. It looked strangely...calm. As we got closer and closer to sea level I sent a prayer up. Just as we were about to hit the water, a glimmer of gold blinked in front of us and I felt a thud. Blinking rapidly, my eyes flicked from the bridge we were traveling on in the water to the rapidly disappearing shape of Auradon. A smirk appeared on my face as I relaxed and leant toward, the Isle of the Lost looming in front of us.

As we broke the barrier, I was forced back in my seat. My eyes widened as we were engulfed in a green light and then our tires hit sand. I glanced at Ivy, surprised to see an icy expression on her face, her knuckles white as she clutched the steering wheel with her eyes closed. Her breath came in short flutters and I reached a hand out tentatively,resting on her shoulder. She jumped and her eyes flew open but they gazed at me with recognition and she visibly relaxed under my touch. A small smile appeared on my face and I nodded once before opening the door and stepping out. The familiar smell of low tide and rotten fish caused my stomach to lurch and my mouth fell slightly open as I gazed at the landscape. It was all from my dream.

The raven haired girl was on this isle.

And I am going to find her.

I peered at the teen, familiarity on the tip of my tongue. I knew him from somewhere, but the question was... where?

Almsot 300 reads! Readers were low last chapter just wondering why.....please tell me!!!! Vote and comment!!! This is in Luke's perspective! And yes! Ivy is nonverbal!!No hurtful comments please

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