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"If you hurt my brother, I'll kill you. I swear I'll kill you all." -Andrew Minuard

I weaved in between vendors, ignoring the pleas of shop owners to buy their products. "Get a life," I muttered, shoving one that stepped into my way. He cried out in protest as I walked by him, but I could feel the crunch of his fingers underneath my boot as he was silenced. I could feel the stares of multiple others that had been standing around and I shot them a venomous glare before continuing my path to the lookout. My conscious became more weary as I started seeing faces melt into the bushes; a glint of a sword, the shuffling of a pair of boots. I continued walking but kept my head down, praying that the ratty clothes hid my appearance.

I wish I had brought Cole.

My breath caught in my throat as jet black boots stepped into my path and came to a stop right in front of me. Fear gripped my mind as a hand reached out and roughly grabbed my chin, yanking it up so my eyes locked onto theirs. I stood, frozen, as swirling grey eyes met mine and a grin spread on the pirate's face. A glimmer of gold caught my gaze and I roughly ripped my chin away, trying to push past the pirate. The gold had honed my instincts on exactly who the pirate was and my adrenaline was soaring as I stepped past him and briskly walked on, shaking my body of his entire existents.

I had been targeted by BJ, the son of Blackbeard.

I shivered at the thought of getting captured by him. Rumors always had a way of whispering around the island and one about assaulting the Queen had always stuck in my head. It had apparently happened when she was younger and they had captured and executed everyone.

"Except him." I thought to myself. I could feel his stare boring into my back and I slipped around a corner, my breath coming in short gasps as I let the panic flood me. I relaxed as I realized he wasn't following and looked up to see a big letter M painted on a wall. A smirk appeared on my face and I slithered up the ladder that carelessly hung off the side. Lifting myself onto the wall, I sat, the cold concrete slowly numbing my body. It was around noon but the sun could never break the cloudy covering that overshadowed the Isle. I scowled in the direction of the brightening Auradon. The kingdom was slowly coming alive. Lights were turning on, doors were opening. Auradon Prep was busy preparing for the young heroes and I could see the bustling square. I quickly looked away, my light blue eyes burning as tears slipped out of them.

Perfect fucking Auradon with all those perfect fucking kids who had a perfect fucking life.

A blinding green light caught the edge of my vison and I was thrown as an invisible force threw me back. My fingers scrambled to grab the crumbling concrete and just as I fell, my hands wrapped around a metal stud that had been protruding from the ragged wall. I looked at the ground, debris and broken concrete scattering the mossy dirt. I sighed and slowly let myself down, hissing in pain every time my hands connected with anything. I was afraid to look at them but I risked a glance. Blood oozed out of the ripped flesh and the threads of the jagged post had imprinted on my palms. Wincing, I brushed my fingers over the sole of my right hand and brushed the debris out of the wound. Spots swarmed through my vision as my left hand traveled to my right wrist, gently prodding it. Opening my eyes slowly, I glanced at it to see my wrist at an awkward angle.


I stood up straighter and twisted around, panic setting in it. I blindly pushed the scattered remains out of the way, serching for the book.

"Where is it?" I muttered to myself, limping over to the broken wall. I scanned the ground, huffing in frustration as my search came up empty. "Grandmother's gonna kill me." I thought to myself, already seeing the punishment that was waiting. I froze as I heard unfamiliar voices approaching and I muttered a curse. I wasn't supposed to be out and if these guys worked for my grandmother; which almost everyone on the island did; I would probably be dead by nightfall. The chattering abruptly stopped and glanced to my right and then my left. A strange silence had overtaken this part of the isle and I strained to hear even the pirates' normal rowdiness. I heard someone gasp behind me and confusion surged in my brain. Noone ever gasps on the isle.


I slowly turned, only to be met with piercing blue eyes that cut at me like ice. My hand instictly went to the dagger I carried on my hip and a hand caught my vision as a girl mirrored my action, a scowl on my face. I turned my attention back to the boy that stood in front of me and glared defiently at him.

"Move it, Buster." I growled, trying to push past him. He copied me, adn once again, he stood in front of me, the top of my head barely touching his chin. I took a step back and looked him up and down. His whole outfit was crisp and pristine and his boots looked like they had just been made. MY gaze wandered up to his face and I noticed how his cheekbones sat high adn how soft his eyes were. The boy's hair was a jet black, mirroring mine exactly; besides the style. Finally, my gaze flickered back to his eyes, reminding me so much of the ones I had spent staring at in the mirror for hours. I didnt realize he had been staring at me until his deep vpoce boomed in my ear.

"Hello, Melanie."


THank you my devoted readers! Including the ones that have added Unloved to their reading lists! I love you! This chapter is written in Mel's POV and is kinda short but more will come tommorow! Vote and COmment on how you want the story to go! It all depends on you!!!

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