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"Get off my mind, give back my heart and get the FUCK away from me."-Sabrina on tumblr

Green smoke drifted in my face as we arrived and I coughed slightly, blinking away my watery vision. As the smoke cleared, the smell of rotten fish and low tide came to welcome us and I twisted my face into a scowl.
I hated rotten fish.
Glancing around, I realized my mother had already started briskly walking toward Harry's ship and I took a deep breath before jogging to catch up with her.
I am evil.
I had to keep reminding myself because the minute I stopped was the minute that someone took advantage of me.
I looked up and had to quickly come to a stop, to prevent myself from running into my mother. I peered upwards at the long plank reaching up into what seemed like the sky; never ending. I stepped in front of my mother as she went to begin boarding. Throwing her a smirk, I laughed. "Mother, I am in charge this time around." I said firmly, not breaking her stare. All she did was smile slightly and made a grand gesture, motioning toward the wooden board. An evil grin on my face, I stalked up the plank, my combat boots silencing the usually bustling ship. My head appeared over the side and I saw the shock register on the young crew's face. Because Uma and her crew had been locked up, the younger crew members that had been denied once, were now welcome with open arms. I shook my head before sharply turning in the direction of a voice.
A voice loved.
"Well, well, well. If it isn't Maleficent herself. Oh look! She brought her useless spawn with her! What a... surprise."  Harry drawled, a scowl planted on his face as he glared at me.
I took a step back, confused. Why would he be mad at me... unless..
I shook my head. Evie wouldn't have told him if she overheard my mother and I's conversation... Would she? Behind me an evil cackle sounded and I rolled my eyes. Always a drama queen, my mother. Turning my attention back to Harry, I caught his gaze, searching and trying to understand why he would believe Evie. I was his girlfriend.... right?
"Harry! We have unfinished business to attend to...." The voice tapered off as my glare turned in its direction. My eyes widened and looked from Harry's smirk to Evie's look of confusion. "Mal? I thought you were banned from this part of the isle? What happened?" My voice dropped to a low tone and I shook in anger, my eyes flashing green as I struggled to control myself as my mother looked on, an amused grin on her face. "Are you guys-are you seeing him?" I asked her, shakily.
"Um yeah Mal.. I thought you knew Harry said he told you.." She looked at Harry who had a sneer on his face and her hand flew to her mouth.
"Omg you guys were together weren't you!" I quickly silenced her as my mother looked at me questionably.
No need to bring up the past.
As I looked at Harry's smirk, I let out an evil laugh. If he wanted to play it that way,
Then let's play.
I stumbled to the head of the ship, watching the remainder of the bruised crew scurry off the ship, toward the east side of the island. Grinning, I watched my mother float up the steps to her place beside me. She motioned to a unconscious harry being dragged by his pathetic crew and smirked. "Did your plan go as you wanted it to?" She questioned, examining the blood under her fingernails. I swallowed hard before replying.
I need to be strong.
"Of course." I said smoothly, watching as Evie sat in shock, the event that had just occurred still registering in her head. A pang of pity hit me hard as I watched her small world crumble around her. I willed myself to be strong and told my heart that I'd comfort her later.
My head jerked back as my mother's cool fingertips touched my chin. "You did me well today, my dear,"She murmured softly. "Dinner tonight, 8:30 sharp; don't be late." And with that, she was gone. A sharp pain hit me in my abdomen and I cried out, my knees becoming weak. Blinking back tears, I cried out again as pain courses through my nervous system. I fell to the ground and my vision became blurry. I saw Evie's worried expression loom over me and then everything was black.

I awoke shortly afterwards, pain still traveling through my body; but duller than before. As I came to my senses, I saw Dr.Feniller down at the far end of the table and Evie grasping my hand, staring into my eyes. Her piercing blue gaze seemed to look right through me and I shuttered. Just then, an incredible dose of pain shot through my abdomen, like my uterus was trying to rip its way out of my body. I moaned, my forehead full of sweat as pain continued to pulse through my body every couple minutes.
"Shh." I heard Evie whisper. "You're almost there. Be strong, my little dark fairy." I smiled weakly before pain like nothing before exploded and spits danced before my vision.
"She's crowning." I heard the doctor say. Evie turned to me and gently shook my shoulders. "Mal, you can do this. You're one of the most powerful villains on this isle. Now be strong; for them."
Her speech had energy coursing through my veins and I channeled it all into getting the evil little deviled out of me.
After what seemed like hours, I heard a scream and smiled weakly, happy that I was done. I reached out to take my newborn before pain hit me again. I threw my head back and cried out and the doctor rushed out. After palpating my stomach, he removed a scalpel blade from his "medical" package. My eyes widened as he steadied his hand, aimed for my lower right abdomen. My hands came up to push him away but I noticed Evie was looming over me, my hands connected to hers. I felt a sharp sting and suddenly my whole lower stomach went numb; like jelly. I felt exhausted. Dimly, I heard a weak cry and Evie soothing the cry softly. Smiling softly, I set my head back and drifted quickly into a dream-less sleep.
What seemed like minutes later, a door flew open and I shot up, wincing in pain. Smoke poured into the tiny room and I coughed, trying to catch a glimpse of who had shot in here, uninvited. My heart dropped as I tightened my hold around my newborn children and glared at my mother. This time it was me who looked away, breaking the stare.
"Who's are they." She said in an angry tone, her eyes glowing brightly, lightning the dimly lit room. I looked at her spitefully. "Who's do you think?" I spat, daring myself to say more.
She whisked over to my bedside and glanced at both of them before clearing her throat.
"Here's the deal."

I tucked the small stuffed dragon into Melanie's blanket before kissing her forehead. She twisted and her tiny hand curled into a fist. I smiled gently and wondered what her first words would be. Swallowing hard, I gently set her in my mother's arms before turning back toward Luke. At least I still had him. As I watched my mother leave with my newborn daughter, I prayed that I had made the right choice. I would get to watch her grow up but she would never know her mother or brother. Only her grandmother. Apparently, Maleficent wanted a do-over because I wasn't good enough. I scowled before turning my attention back to Luc. He was my main priority now and no matter how much I loved Mel, this my chance to show my mother that I really was Mal, Queen of the Isle.

Sorry for the short chapter, more of a filler than anything! Mal had her twins! But maleficent took the girl in place of Mal being queen. Was Mal just being greedy? Or is there an ulterior motive for her decision? Find out in the next chapter!!!

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