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"He is mine in a way he will never be hers. He is hers in a way he will never be mine. Together; we are motherhood."-Deisha Wood

I sat up, my forehead smacking the wall. I string of curse words flew out of my mouth as the sound of trumpets echoed in front of my castle. I looked at Luke immediately, sighing in relief at him still sleeping soundly. I quickly slid a jacket on before cracking my door open. I stood up straighter, walking briskly to the front doors. Taking a deep breath, I flung them open, only to be blinded by lights. I hissed, covering my eyes as they slowly adjusted. As my vision cleared, I looked up to see... guards? A scowl illuminated my face as His majesty stepped out from the car, along with his perfect little wife. My scowl deepened as a boy stepped out with them, looking to be about the same age. My eyes gleaming, I took a step forward. "What are you doing here?" I gestured to the isle.
My isle.
"Nice to meet you too." The king said sternly. His wife stood behind him, her grip on his hand tightening as my gaze rested on her. She refused to meet my state and I laughed, throwing my head back.
"We came to ask if it was true, that Maleficent's daughter had become Queen, and what your plans were to better the Isle." The boy stepped out from behind his parents, squaring his shoulders until he came to stand in front of me. I took a step back, slightly intimidated by his size. I was tall, about 5.7, but he had to be 6.6 feet at least. He looked down at me and my glare intensified as our eyes connected. This prissy boy would not win against me.
After what seemed like hours, he finally turned away, blinking rapidly. I let out a small chuckle, before turning back to the king.
Stupid rich people.
"What is your business here on my Island?" I asked, my ears perking up as I heard a cry. The royal family's heads all turned and the queen's gaze softened. "Is there a child in there?" She asked gently, trying to peer around me. Like on cue, Melanie waddled out, fat and happy, like any two month baby would, except, a lot faster. My gaze hardened as I looked her up and down. No visible harm. I let out a sigh of relief before shutting my mouth tightly as Maleficent followed. She scooped Melanie up before freezing and turning toward the royal family. A wicked grin lit her face up and she started walking toward them. I put up a hand and she stopped for a second, my glare catching hers. Our eyes glowed brighter in competition until hers finally flickered. A small smile split on my face as she turned to go back inside. Right before she stepped in the doorframe she cackled. "Oh and Mal dear, Luke's dying." With that, she shut the door swiftly, the sound echoing in the empty circle. My mouth dropped and my vision swam as the words imprinted in my mind.
Luke's dying.
I felt a small hand on my shoulder and I whipped around, my eyes a dangerous color. I felt the hand retract and the king held his wife close. I shrugged my shoulders and turned to him, my eyes now dull. "Why are you here?" I croaked.
"We just wanted to check and see how the new queen was faring. But we will go now." He dipped his head before guiding his wife to the car.
My own voice surprised me as much as it did them. I held up a finger for them to wait a few moments and then I rushed inside, I knew what I had to do.

I quickly swaddled Luke and gave him a kiss on his forehead. I pulled out my spell book and searched for the one I needed.
Make it quick
Make it deep
Remove these memories
Without a peep.
I quickly recited it and pressed my finger to his lips. A small shutter escaped his lips and he sighed contently, his golden eyes flickering as they faded. They would appear someday, but hopefully he wouldn't think anything of it. I held him close, my eyes shut tight. I had to be strong. I slowly opened my door and walked out toward the entrance.
He'll have a better life with them; a chance.
I heard the queen's sharp intake of breath as I covered his face. I slowly extends my arms as she reached out, taking him close. I quickly retracted my hands before taking a deep breath. "Can you take him with you?" I hated how vulnerable my voice sounded and I quickly hardened my face. She looked up at me. "Is he yours?" She, asked her voice barely audible. I shrugged.
"His sister and him are mine, products of a rape. Two months old the lot of them." Inside, my soul shriveled as I talked so nonchalant about the loves of my life. "My mother took my daughter." I said in a rough tone, refusing to meet their eyes.
Arms engulfed me and I stiffened as Queen Belle hugged me. I waited until she was done before brushing imaginary dust off.
"So you'll take him with you? Give him a good life? He won't remember me; I made sure of that."
The royal couple nodded feverishly. "He'll be treated like he's Ben's brother." The king said gruffly slowly stroking Luke's head.
"His name is Luke and his eyes are a hazel color. When he's about 15, they'll glow golden because that's when my spell will wear off. Thank you again." I touched his forehead one more time before briskly walking back into my palace, refusing to look back as the car pulled away and went back over the barrier.
I rushed to my room, ignoring the pleas and protests of the daily villains and slammed my door. I fell onto my bed, hot tears slipping down my face as I thought about the little boy who was no longer there.
"He'll have a better life." I whispered to myself as my mind started to chide me for throwing my son away. My fists clenched and unclenched as panic of an unloved pair of twins set into my memory. I shook slightly as sweat dripped down my back and my hair stuck to my face. Shivering, I pulled the covers over my head, drowning out the voices that sounded just outside my bedroom, and the sting cry of a two month old dark fairy's grandchild in the room down the hall.

Thank you for 170 reads! Thank you @redtiger1312 for voting on "Evil Blood" and thank you @mind_of_darkness03 for commenting on my recent chapters! Keep reading my lovelies!❤️❤️

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