Broken Crowns

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"One of the biggest mistakes you can make is to drift away from someone you once had the time of your life with."-Quotesgram

I thrashed in my sleep all night, the meeting of my daughter interrupting my night. I kept replaying the recent events on my head, wondering what had actually occurred.

I saw her ink black hair bounce as she jogged throughout the isle, causing mischief and being a normal isle teenager. A small grin illuminated my face, one of the very few in the last 15 years or so. I hadn't been out in public in forever. After I had given Luke a better chance, and Melanie was taken, I put myself in a hole of depression, the only thing keeping me alive was the thought of the spell wearing off of Luke and him coming back to me. Shaking my head, I ducked behind a trash barrel as Melanie turned in my direction. I steadied my breathing, willing her not to look over here. As she turned away, I let out the inconspicuous breath that I had been holding and glanced in her direction. My eyes hardened as she embraced a young pirate and the atmosphere temperature dropped.
I recognized him immediately, and even if I hadn't, his looks would have brought his identity to a close.
His deep brown eyes were complimented by his shadowy black hair and I saw that his fashion statement was done up by his mother. I rolled my eyes. Leave it to Evie to make her son's outfit tinted with gold. My eyes looked him up and down before settling on his father's old hook that was clutched in his left hand. Anger boiled inside me as he leaned over and slowly met his lips with my daughter's. As their lips met at the edge of the pier, I felt a sudden silence cast over the isle and a shiver ran up my spine. I heard a rustle and turned my head sharply, only glimpsing a tree branch quivering. Sighing, my head snapped up and I barely had time to roll behind a tree before Melanie was in front of me. Her voice was cold and clear as she commanded me; the queen of the Isle; to step out.

My cover was blown and I stepped out, my long bangs falling in front of my eyes. I looked at her in awe, her small figure mirroring mine when I was her age. I quickly lifted my head and pulled my crown out of the small bag I had been carrying. I adjusted it to fit my head before rising to full height and summoned my mother's ancient staff; a figure of power. I saw her gaze falter as my gaze turned a poison green but a small smile appeared on my face as she regained her composition and faced me, her nose almost touching mine. An evil grin appeared on her face, one almost as sinister as mine and I practically glowed with pride.

"Hello Mother."

My mind spun and I put a hand on a nearby tree, steadying myself as spots flew before my vision and those two words danced in my head.

"Hello Mother."

I felt her heated gaze pointed at me and I slowly regained stature, taking shaky breaths. Tears threatened to swarm in my eyes as I tentatively reached my arms out, trying to embrace her in a hug.

My daughter.

She pulled back and wrinkled her nose in disgust. "Don't touch me!" She scowled and flicked imaginary dirt of her. I frowned and shook my head before standing up and brushing loose strands of grass off my knees. my eyes hardened as I could hear the pirate whispering soothing things into Melanie's ear. A sneer crept onto my face and I pulled away from the group abruptly.

"I see you already found out." I said quietly, glancing at her once and awhile. "I don't know who told you what, Melanie, but their wrong. I've loved you since you left my arms." When she didn't respond, I turned away, sighing.

"But what about what Grandmother said?" Her voice rang out next to the empty pier and I winced. my eyes flickered as she said the word Grandmother and I spat quickly, the foul taste in my mouth growing.

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