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"Imagine a love so strong it made saying hello and goodbye in the same day worth all the pain." -Job121

A scream echoed throughout the castle for the third time that night and I shot up, leaning to check on Luke.
He was fast asleep.
I winced as I heard Maleficent's evil voice trying to sooth Melanie across the grounds. She needed her mother; not her irresponsible grandmother. I gently picked up Luke from his makeshift bed, his tiny mouth puckered to fit his thumb. A small smile appeared on my face as I held him close, listening to his rapid heartbeat. My smile quickly fell as a raspy cough racked his small, vulnerable body.
He had been the smaller twin by a large margin and had been coughing since his first breath. I hadn't gotten a lick of sleep since he was born, but it didn't help that Melanie's screams echoed throughout the castle because Maleficent refused to "coddle" her. I rolled my eyes and gently placed Luke on his side, watching him twitch in his sleep. His eyes flowed gold even while he slept and I let my mind wander to the newborn sleeping alone and cold in my old room.


I yawned, my eyes half-closed, as yet another person was dragged through my court room, begging for mercy. With a flick of my hand, I sent them either out the door with a kick; or to their eternal suffering. Every time I sent someone out the door, I could feel my mother's glare on my back, watching from the door way, as one of her henchmen rocked Melanie. I refused to look at her.
I made the right decision.
It will give her a better life.
I love her no matter what.
Without thinking, tears welled up in my eyes as images of her growing up, unloved and unwanted flashed through my head. She was a product of a mistake and I couldn't even comfort her about it because she was ripped away.

Like I said before, the word punishment isn't said lightly on the isle.
My mother had given me a choice, the minute I had given birth. I would give her my firstborn child to make up for my "mishap" as she put it. In return, I would reign queen over the isle.
If I refused this offer, I basically would be chased away by guards, thrown to the dogs, with two newborns on an island of villains where my children would be lucky to live past two.
The option I chose was in their best interest.
I had to keep telling myself this; as the minute I stopped, my evil side would pop out, telling me I did it for my selfish needs.
I shook my head, pushing the tiny voice in my head away as my mother strode over to me and put a hand on my arm to restrict my movement. I shivered as emotion poured from every pore in my body. I hadn't spoken to her in three days. Emotion poured from every piece of my soul and you could cut the tension in the air with a knife. I refused to meet her piercing gaze, although a quick glimpse revealed a sorry look in Maleficent's eyes.
"She reminds me of you when you were just a child." Her voice broke the empty silence and I jerked my head up, disturbing Luke as he let out a sickly cough. I peered at her, trying to figure out if it was a trap or not; bracing myself for the fist that was bound to hit my face sooner rather than later. Instead, I felt Luke's blanket peel back to reveal his small outlined face and a look of worry appeared on my face, my arms automatically pulling him closer.
She won't take my son too.
Maleficent retracted her hand before snapping her fingers. "He's sick." She said somberly.
I glared at her. "Well thanks for noticing Captain Obvious!" I seethed, venom dripping from my tone. I was queen, not her.
Her eyes flickered as she tried to control her anger, but mine were already gleaming. I stood up, my fist smashing into the arm of my throne. "I know he's sick because I'm his mother! Just like the little girl over there is MY daughter. I tried my whole life to try and make you proud! I stole for you, killed for you, betrayed the only friends I had for YOU! And you repay me by throwing me out to get beaten and raped and then taking one of the only things that had kept me from jumping out my bedroom window!" I looked at her, seething, words and emotions pouring out with no filter. Breathing heavy, I stood up taller, meeting her gaze. "So you can do what you want with my daughter, because I no longer want to be yours." With that, I stepped away and quickly whisked Luke away, back to my room, before locking the door. I put Luke down in his makeshift crib, before sliding down against my wall, a silent sob on my lips.
I needed to be held.
I needed to be rocked, told that I was beautiful and that everything was going to be ok.
I needed someone that would show me love on even my worst days, when I let my anger control me and I became what everyone thought I truly was.
I needed Harry.
My face grew cold and my eyes hardened, a low growl escaping my throat as the thought of his face crossed my mind.
That filthy, thieving little scumbag pirate took my heart and what little pride I had left and used it against me.
I snorted through the tears that had unknowingly made their appearance on my face.
That's what I was.
That's what my mother thinks of me.
That's what I truly am.
I let my hair fall in ringlets around my face, wondering where the Mal that about a year ago, was striking fear in the eyes of full grown adults. The Mal that stole candy from a baby and taunted her friends with the idea of actual candy, before swallowing the sucker. Where was the Mal that didn't give a fuck about guys or attention and was confident enough to proclaim herself as Maleficent's daughter. I shivered.
What a life that was. Carefree, nothing holding us back.
A fierce streak of anger suddenly crossed my vision and my fist went through the wall next to me. Tears of anger once again streamed down my face as I put my fist through the wall next to me as well. Punch after punch, until my knuckles were bloody and at different angles, and I couldn't tell if I was still hitting the wall or not. My hands were numb with pain and I stared blankly at the swift trickle of blood now running down my arms. I examined my battered knuckles, gently pressing on each one, and gaining a slight, sick piece of pleasure from the immense pain. A small cry broke my pleasant pain circle and I whirled around to see Luke thrashing on his bed, his tiny body arching out as another tiny scream echoed throughout the empty room.
I stared in horror, a hand on my mouth as his eyes rolled into the back of his head and his head continuously hit the moldy mattress. My door flew open and my mother's figure filled the room as she quickly scooped him up, a syringe in one hand. I quickly Stood up, a hand out, trying to stop her.
She will not harm my son.
Suddenly, Luke relaxed and his eyes closed. His tiny fists unclenched as he fell into a undisturbed sleep. I looked at my mother wide eyed and she slowly put Luke into his bed before swiftly shaking her head, her eyes widening in horror as she stared at her hands, oblivious to the fact that she has just done something.... nice? She let out a strangled cry before slamming my door shut and whisking herself away. I glanced at Luke, sleeping quietly now, and I shook my head.
What a sick, twisted, evil road I was heading toward.

Sorry for the long update! It took me forever because I lost my notebook!!! So this isn't as good as some of the others because I had to come up with it! But comment for an update!!!

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