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"My worst nightmare was my reality.
And there was nothing that could wake me up.

I had just been talking to her.

And now she was gone.

My vision blurred as I stumbled forward, watching Ivy shoot me sympathetic looks my way as she guided a hysterical Evie back to her house. A hand caught my eye and I followed it to see Melanie shaking from head to toe. Anger courses through my body and I could feel my eyes start to glow. I shook with rage and within seconds I had my hands wrapped around Melanie's body, picking her up and shaking her roughly. She feebly tried to talk but I shot her a glare.

"You killed our mother!" Spit flew from my mouth as I got closer to her, making sure she heard every word.

"I was finally feeling accepted! I felt like I belonged! And you had to go and fucking ruin it! I wish it had been you in front of the knife instead of her." I could tell that last sentence hit home and she turned her head, looking out over the water. I took my hand and grabbed her chin, forcing her to stare directly at me.

"Why'd you do it?" My voice boomed throughout the clearing and I waited for an answer, my anger slowly coming to an end. Her voice cracked into a low tone as she answered

"It was supposed to be you." I glanced at her, horrified as she continued.

"Grandmother- our grandmother, Maleficent wanted you dead. I do her dirty work. I'm going to get tourtured when I get back home. Locked in iron chains and thrown in the basement. For you, you can just leave. Go back to Auradon. Me? I can't. This is my life."

She turned her head as I let go of her chin and she continued. 

"I-I didn't know you were my brother until a few hours ago. I just found out our father. And I met our mother a couple days before you arrived. The feeling when I found out I might have a family, it was awesome. But then- then Maleficent ordered me to kill you. That idea went out faster than it came in and I tried to not focus on how we were blood. In and out. That's how all my jobs are." She lifted her head to look at me and I could feel her tears were mirrored by mine.

"Our mother sacrificed herself to save me." I heard myself murmur it and all the events that had happened came crashing down on me. I let go of Melanie and wrapped my arms around her gently, feeling her endless tears soaking the front of my shirt.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Ivy race into the clearing, her hands making random motions. Breaking away from Melanie, I reached out to Ivy but she pulled away, urging me to watch her hands.

"The royal guards! They're here! They're coming!" My eyes met hers and I watched fear ripple through her eyes at the thought of loosing her family once again.

"Go to Evie's house. Stay there until you know for sure they're gone." She glanced at me, tears slowly building in her eyes. With a sob, she ran toward me and I outstretched my arms, lifting her as her body collided with mine. She buried her face into my shoulder and I closed my eyes, inhaling the sweet smell of her caramel-colored hair. I lifted her chin gently and connected my lips to hers, slowly moving my mouth as she reciprocated the kiss. Our lips moved in sink, a perfect fit, and I could feel her smile through her teeth. Breaking away, I gave her one last hug before signing to her.

"I will always come back for you no matter what."

I glanced at Melanie who stood to the side, blankly staring down at the ground.

"Take her with you. Make sure she's safe."

Ivy glanced at her before slowly guiding her back to Evie's house. I watched them leave before sending up a prayer and slowly lifting my mother's dead body. She was surprisingly light and I gently cradled her in my arms before starting the slow trek toward the barrier.

I couldn't help her anymore.

But I might know someone who could.

As if I'm cue, three guards crashed through the bushes and drew their swords, tips barely an inch away from me. I struggled to lift my hand in surrender and they lowered their swords. Rough hands grabbed me from behind and Mal's body was ripped out of my arms. Rage coursed through my veins as I watched them put her in the backseat, her arm stiff and cold. I chocked back a sob and fought against the arms holding me, my eyes glowing a bright gold. More hands grabbed onto me and I was wrestled to the ground. I watched helplessly as the limo with my mother's body in it left. I felt a sharp poke in my right arm and I recoiled, numbness shooting through my forearm. I suddenly felt dizzy and the faces of two royal guards swarmed in my vision and then it was black.

A monitor was beeping and it was fucking annoying.

That was all I was thinking about as I slowly woke up, my mind still blurry. As I opened my eyes, confusion coursed through me at the sight before me.

Mal, with a beeping heart monitor on.

My mouth opened and closed but no words came out as I stared, speechless at the flushed purple haired women opposite of me. I didn't notice the door open and I jumped as a small hand rested on my shoulder. Turning toward the hand, the Queen's warm smile flitted my way and a feeling of peace reveled in my soul.

I was ok.

My thoughts quickly turned sinister as I thought of Ivy, alone on the Isle.

"Ivy." I murmured, struggling to sit up and lift my legs out of bed. Belle put her hand on my chest and I sighed, still to weak to do anything but listen as she started droning. As she started talking, my eyes quickly wandered to the Isle Queen laying in the hospital bed across from me.

She was alive.

For some reason, in some way, they got her back.

As I flitted on the edge of consciousness, a rapid heart monitor broke me out of my daze. I roughly turned my head toward the sound and my mouth dropped as I watched my mother start to wake up.

Her eyes flew open and she lurched forward, the patches on her body connecting her to the heart monitor flying off. An eerie green glow filled the dimly lit room and I heard a small gasp emit from Belle. I ignored it as I watched Mal whip her head back and forth, the confusion in her eyes clearly shining. Her gaze rested on Belle and she practically growled.

"Why are you on the Isle?" She glanced behind her before lowering her voice.

"If you leave now, I won't report to my mother you and-." She looked me up and down. "Is this Ben?"

My heart lurched into my stomach as I stared, dumbfounded at her, stuttering as I tried to answer her. She looked at me with a pitied expression before turning back toward the Queen of Auradon.

"Anywayyy I'm gonna leave now? And you probably should too. I have to go find Evie." The corners of her mouth shot up in a smile as she struggled out of bed and wobbled over to Belle.
"I think Evie wants to be with me."

I barely heard the last part before she left and I averted my gaze to my hospital bracelet.

My mother didn't remember anything about me.

She didn't even know she was Queen.


Thank you for 500 reads!!!! I struggled with this chapter because I didn't know if I wanted to Mal off but in the end I couldn't. I love her character way to much. So I added a little... plot twist😝😝anywhooooo vote and comment!

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