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William was always a bit of a strange man, even before the incidents. In his early days, his mind always worked like a clock as he had to make sure everything was done by the end of the day, and it had to be done the right way.

He worked to make sure he could put food on the table for his family. He had a wife and three children, so he was a busy man. Although it was tough for him to provide for everyone in his family (including himself), he was still satisfied with his life and remained calm and collected even during the darkest of days his life threw at him.

Sadly though, his life was later changed sometime in 1983, a date that would forever haunt the poor man wherever he went from that day onward. Life proved to be stressful after this, but at least he had one less kid to provide food for, he thought.

As life went on, William's poor mind shattered like the broken fragments of a mirror as he plunged into insanity. There was no stopping this man. This monster. This purely purple psychopath from doing what he did during his life: Tormenting those around him.

The young boy laid there sobbing quietly to himself as usual. 4 other people were surrounding him, all wearing the masks of Freddy, Bonnie, Chica, and Foxy. The boy in the Foxy mask was the kid's older brother named Michael. They all stood there and laughed at the crying boy.

"Wow, your brother is kind of a baby, isn't he?" asked the kid wearing the Bonnie mask.

"It's hilarious! Hey, I have an idea! Why don't we help him get a closer look over there?" Mike pointed over towards the show stage, which had Fredbear and Spring Bonnie standing there, looking around at the people and moving their mechanical jaws up and down without saying anything.

"He will love it!" Mike grinned from under his mask as he had an idea.

"No! Please!" begged his younger brother.

Mike and his crew cackled like a pack of hyenas.

"Come on, guys! Let's give this little man a lift! He wants to get up close and personal with Fredbear!" Mike yelled as they all simultaneously lifted the poor boy off the ground and began carrying him over towards the stage with Fredbear and Spring Bonnie on it.

"No! I don't want to go!" yelled the boy as he struggled to escape the grasp of the kids, but they were much older and stronger than him, rendering him powerless.

"Mikey, please stop! Let me go!" he screamed with tears in his eyes. Mike looked down at him and laughed.

"Shut up,  you little crybaby!" he barked at the young boy as he laughed.

"You all heard the little guy, he wants to get closer!" yelled the kid with the Freddy mask.

Finally, Mike and the others arrived at the show stage with the two robots on it, operating perfectly fine. Mike stood in front of the crew and stared up at the machines as he cracked his knuckles. He thought for a moment what he could do to prank the poor boy harmlessly. He looked up at the robot's mouth, opening and shutting.

Then he got an idea. Cracking another dirty smile from under the shiny plastic Foxy mask, he turned to face his friends again.

"Hey guys, I think the little man said he wants to give Fredbear a big kiss!" he jumped in front of his brother and grabbed on to him with the others.

A security guard saw this commotion from afar.

"Hey! You kids can't get that close to Fredbear! Back up from the stage! Peter, Peter! Get over here!"

Another guard rushed in from the side as Mike held up 3 fingers, ignoring the guard's warning.

"Hey! Get away from that stage now!" the other guard began yelling.

"On three! One, two..."

They lifted the boy way up over their heads and his head slid right inside the jaw of the mechanical beast. It sat there, its mouth now unable to shut due to the boy's head lodged inside.

He screamed and kicked and cried out for help while Mike and the others hit the ground and laughed. Several customers in the place turned to face this, and one person even stood up and ran into another room where Willam was doing some paper work. The 2 guards barely even had any time to react to what would follow this... It was only asking to happen...


The jaws of Fredbear slammed down shut violently on the poor boy's head, crushing it with utter ease like a nut. The sounds of bones snapping filled the now silent room. Blood began to ooze from Fredbear's mouth and stained his yellow fur in the crimson liquid. Mike and his crew immediately went from laughing hysterically to terrified in an instant. They stood there and stared at the bloody mess in front of them.

"Oh shit..." said one of them.

People began screaming and ran out of the restaurant as Fredbear and Spring Bonnie deactivated, seemingly on their own.

"Shit, man!" they all started yelling.

"Kenny?" asked Mike as he shook from head to toe.

They all began arguing as the crowd piled outside the place.

"Mike, what the fuck?" yelled one of them.

Mike stared at them with tears in his eyes

"I-I'm sorry! I didn't mean to! I-I'M SO SORRY!" he yelled as he ran out of the building, thinking what William would do him when he found out this happened to his own son, knowing this was all his fault.

"Shit, what's dad gonna do to me? How is he gonna take this? I'm so fucking dead!" he thought in his mind as he ran outside with the others.

William sat there doing paper work as usual, but stopped abruptly when he heard the snapping sound. Someone burst through the doors and ran up to him.

"Will! You have to hurry! There's been an accident!" he cried out.

Purely Purple PsychopathWhere stories live. Discover now