Chapter 4

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"I told you it was an accident, dad!" Michael yelled.

"Bullshit! I don't believe you for a damn second" retaliated William.

"What's wrong with you, man?" said Michael with a touch of anger. He could feel tears slowly trying to wiggle their way out of his eyes. William turned to him with a look of infallible hatred in his eyes.

"WHAT'S WRONG WITH ME? WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOU?" he screamed as he started pulling out chunks of his hair again.

"What are you talking about?!" Mike said in distress. He slowly began crying as he realized secretly what kind of monster he had turned into.

"Don't act like you're innocent! You fed my boy to an animatronic robot! That's what you did, you son of a bitch!" William screamed as he started seething.

"It was supposed to be for a prank, and it went wrong" yelled Mike with tears in his eyes. He wished he could go back and undo what he did.

"Went... Wrong? Went wrong? My boy is dying in a hospital bed because of your 'prank', Michael!" yelled William.

"It was just an accident" Mike said again, practically bawling like a baby, which was the opposite of what his muscles would portray him as.

William was starting to get sick of this pointless argument. "Well let me tell you one thing, Michael. If Kenny doesn't survive this accident, you won't like what happens next. So you better pray to God or Allah or whatever deity you believe in that he can come out of that room alive!" growled William as he stormed out the room without another word. Michael was left in silence once again to finish his breakfast and think about what his father meant by 'you won't like what happens next.' What was he gonna do to him if Kenny didn't live?

William returned to the living room and turned on the TV. He started flipping through all the channels, but had no interest in any of them at all. He suddenly noticed the picture frame sitting on a small desk that had him, Kenny, and Isabelle smiling together.

He picked up the picture as tears started to roll from his face. Those were the days. The days before William used his knife to commit awful atrocities. The good old days.

It had been a few years since the missing children incident case was officially closed by police, so William knew he was safe to some extent. He remembered when it happened. He remembered what he did when it was all over. He remembered the person he had framed right down to their name, their face, and their personal life. William had to make a sacrifice to escape the cops. He was there that day with the employee who was already fitted with a springlock Bonnie costume up to his neck.

"Don't you think this is a bit of a dumb idea, William? The cops don't even know about this. You don't have to do this" he tried pleading with the psychopath.

William quickly shushed him. "Now, now. There is a reason I'm doing this, and I promise. It will all be worth it in the end. I'll make it worth your time" spoke William in a hushed but deep and sinister voice.

"All we're gonna do is go out there with the blood on this costume, they'll arrest you, and I'll bust you out of there soon enough" he spoke.

"And how are you going to do that when you're about to FRAME ME?" whispered the employee.

"Don't worry about that. Let's just say I've got my ways of going about what I do. There's a method to my madness" William snarled, a look of malice accompanying his sinister vague wording. The two stepped out the door and William's plan worked almost instantly. But William never held up to his end of the deal. Regardless, it was a sacrifice he was happy with.

He flipped to every channel he could find before inevitably giving up on it. He sat there, suddenly reminded of Isabelle again. He grabbed the paper and read the section about the bite again. A few witness claims were somewhere at the bottom of the page.

"I just saw these 4 kids wearing masks throw this poor kid right into Fredbear's mouth. It was unnatural to watch him squirming around. Then we all heard the crunch" spoke one witness named Kathleen.

Another witness named Anthony said "I was just there with my son, and then this boy's head was just crushed under the weight of that bear robot's jaw. I don't know how it happened, but I grabbed my kid and ran out with everyone else."

William sat back in disappointment. He never tried to get into contact with Henry since then. He felt oddly betrayed when he saw how successful Henry was with Fredbear's and he didn't get to fully utilize Circus Baby because of the incident with Isabelle. Him and Henry never got along after the murder of that little boy outside Fredbear's one night. Henry attempted to frame William, but there just wasn't enough evidence to say William did it, and the case was shut down pretty quickly, along with the missing children case. The two men never spoke to each other after that.

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