Chapter 15

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Friday, November 12, 1993

The date of the sleepover... Brendon messily rushed around to ensure he had everything he needed. He wanted to fully prove everyone wrong and not make any mistakes in the process. This was a once in a lifetime chance he had and he was not about to let it go. To lose this opportunity...

He grabbed everything he needed and soon, after around 20 minutes of preparation and very careful planning, the young boy was on his way, ready to prove his friends wrong about the "Fazbear Folds" as they had been dubbed. He headed out towards Simon's house, which wasn't very far from his own. He waved goodbye to his parents, who were still under the false belief that he was going to spend the whole day with his other friends for a simple, harmless sleepover...

How wrong they were...

Brendon was the first one to arrive as usual... He was always the early bird. Him and Simon waited around 20 minutes just chatting with each other about school and other random activities until the others arrived. Brendon seemed excited about all this. Maybe a little too happy. They all sneaked out and headed off towards Freddy's, since Simon's parents weren't home, escape wasn't that difficult or concerning for them.

It was a rather cold Friday on the night of November 12th, 1993, yet they were all dressed like it was a warm summer day. Brendon was practically acting like a showoff the entire way there with his knowledge of the incidents. The others tried their best to look interested, drowning out the sound of his rambling voice in their minds pretty quick. Brendon was the reason they were even doing this, after all. They didn't need to be getting in potential trouble because this...

Or even dying because of his superstitions and high self esteem...

Freddy's wasn't that far of a walk from Simon's house, hence the reason they decided to meet up at his house in particular. They had all gone through very careful planning to make sure they'd be able to successfully pull this off without anything going wrong. They were a smart group when it came to handling events like this... Especially if it was something they would be doing in their spare time or with each other.

Brendon brought with him one of his fathers old newspaper articles specifically detailing the disappearances of two children, which later lead to five. It was strange, but Brendon swore he knew one of those kids prior to their disappearance. A strange boy with no friends. After the incident, he never showed up at school again. Although the kids names were never mentioned, Brendon still felt connected to this case, maybe a bit more due to remembering this travesty.

Even though it felt like a few hours had passed since the small group left Simon's house, it only took them around 30 minutes to arrive at the place. They all seemingly got lost for a few moments in the large lit up sign saying "FREDDY FAZBEAR'S PIZZA" along with a colorful array of lights and a recent "GRAND RE OPENING" sign lightly fluttering in the desolate wind, shaking from side to side like it breathed life. It could have almost been considered an omen for the group as it tossed around, as if to warn them about the dangers of this place.

His constant beliefs and obsessions about the rumors and mysteries grew stronger as they drew near the pizzeria, but they weren't that far from catching up to him...

Brendon led the way with a flashlight in hand and slowly pushed open the black door leading inside the building... The suspense was building up around the group as their hearts raced. They haven't seen this place in years, since the incidents that took place here.

Were the rumors true? Do the robots patrol the halls at night like police officers waiting to catch the unsuspecting and hide their bodies?

The place smelled foul, the walls were dirty and stained, fake pizza props were set up at seemingly every corner, the floor made weird squishy sounds when you stepped on it, and the dim fluorescent lights poorly hung around the place flickered ominously, another possible omen swept right out from under him...

It was 12AM on the spot when they arrived. The red curtain lifted itself back up slowly. The final omen... Gone as quick as it came. The three stationary show vendors stood there with their large, plastic, darkened eyes staring out into the distance. Freddy's eyes in particular were completely black, save for a white dot about the size of a marble in each of them. His jaw was hung open, his mic gripped tightly in his right paw.

They all shuttered upon seeing this... They all looked a lot creepier at night time. The crew began walking around. Brendon peered into the Backstage room and was met with a repulsive odor of feces and... Whatever death smelled like. It wasn't at all what a pizzeria should smell like, let alone one for children. It was too much for him to bear.

Mike peered around on the cameras and saw the group.

"Wha-? Who are these kids? What the fuck are they doing here?" he asked himself while starting to sweat already.

Whoever they are, they were putting themselves at a huge risk by being here at this time of night. Mike checked the stage and the Pirate Cove. No sign of activity. He grabbed a flashlight and stumbled out through the West Hall. Not a great idea with the flickering light above his head, but they were more towards the left side of the building anyways.

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