Chapter 13

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This was it... The start of Mike's new job. The last memory he ever made that involved Freddy's was the bite incident with Kenny. The beating he got that day from William still lingered in his mind. Even though the imprints were long gone and healed, he could still feel them all around his body, stinging like angry wasps...

Before letting it get to his mind, he started towards the door. It was 11:30 PM, giving him some time to head out there. William was nowhere to be found, probably hiding out in his garage again.

Mike was dressed in a uniform he had received from the company soon after he discovered he got the job. The uniform itself came with a black hat and purple shirt with a black neck tie attached to it.

He also had on a little gold badge on his chest that read "FREDDY FAZBEAR'S PIZZA: OFFICIAL NIGHT GUARD" with a little carving of Freddy winking on it. Mike was set and ready to go. He sped off in his car to go grab some coffee before heading off to the pizzeria itself.

When Mike arrived there, the clock read 11:45 PM. He decided to hang around in his car until around 11:55 PM, since nobody else but him was around.

He looked up at the large sign with a picture of Freddy's face on it that read "FREDDY FAZBEAR'S PIZZA". He had heard a lot of rumors about this place and the animatronics inside, but he wasn't going to let silly rumors like that stop him from doing what he felt was right... What his father felt was right...

At 11:55 PM, he stepped out of the car and headed inside the place, locking the doors behind him. The place looked.... Weird to say the absolute least.

It didn't look at all like a children's place, even though the sign outside said otherwise. The walls were grey and stained in what looked like pizza grease, cobwebs were lurking around in the murky darkness that covered the rooms like paint, and it smelled TERRIBLE, almost like the rumors were true, and people really WERE murdered in here.

Since Mike had around 5 minutes to spare, he decided to wander around the place for a bit. He noticed the Show Stage was covered up with a large red curtain that appeared to be able to slide up and down. There were faint streaks of light that escaped the cracks of the curtain, and some mechanical whirring could be heard from behind it.

The old band was still there... And still active...

"What? Why are they still activated?" Mike thought. "Nobody's even here right now."

He decided to start peeking around in certain rooms to check. He started with the Backstage and was assaulted by a horrible smell, somehow even more revolting than the main show area did. He soon left it after noticing all the spare heads sitting there, staring at him with their blank, hollow eyes.

He also stumbled past a small purple curtain decorated with small white stars and a sign out in front reading "SORRY. OUT OF ORDER."

He looked confused for a moment, but just assumed for the time that whoever was back there was probably not in stable performing condition. He swore for a moment that he could see something back there. An eye, maybe? A hand? He wasn't sure, and was not about to draw back the curtain to find out.

After much searching around, he finally discovered his security office. It was a rather small room with a light hanging above it on the ceiling that was dimly lit, a small grey desk fan that was plugged in and turned on high, an empty cup just sitting there, a few TV monitors, an oddly out of place pink cupcake decorated with eyeballs and teeth sitting atop one of them, and cobwebs that littered the room.

He sat down in a leather chair that was leaning against the back wall.. He stared down at his oddly colored uniform again.

"Wonder why they chose purple of all colors to use... Reminds me of my dad" he mumbled out loud.

And then it was time to get started... The phone on his desk began to ring as the red curtain from the Show Stage lifted itself back up, without Mike even noticing..


1st Night

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