Chapter 8

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Later that night, Brendon slowly approached the kitchen where his father sat, doing tax work. He entered the room, prepared to get some answers surrounding his dads past and his sudden rivalry with William Afton. Brendon was hesitant to even ask at first, but the words eventually escaped his lips without him even being aware.

"Dad?" he asked. Henry turned to face his concerned son.

"Hello, son!" said Henry in a tone that was unusually cheery. He had been so busy and stressed with work recently, it was weird to hear him sound so happy. Maybe he was relieved to be away from the taxes for a moment to focus on his son.

"So, dad. I've got a quick question for you" spoke Brendon with a little hesitation in his voice.

"Well?" Henry said, snapping Brendon out of one of his deep thought moments.

"Oh! That's right. So, tell me, do you remember a man?" he asked.

"What kind of man?" Henry responded with a touch of hesitation about being able to answer.

"A man named William Afton" said Brendon. Henry's smile quickly faltered and changed to a look of pure disgust and anguish as he turned back to his work, inaudibly mumbling under his breath for a moment.

"Don't you ever mention that name to me ever again, Brendon" grumbled Henry.

"Why? What happened between you two? Why don't you talk to him anymore?" asked Brendon. Henry slammed his head and fist against the table.

"Perhaps it's time I taught you what happened between us, Brendon. This is something I never wanted you to know about, but I have to talk about it" said Henry.

"Before our rivalry, William and I were mutual friends with the same goal: Open a successful pizza chain. After we graduated from college, I got to the idea first, but I guess that was enough to send him over the edge. What he did revealed his true colors to not only me, but the world, and I'm damn convinced of it.

I opened up Fredbear's Family Diner back in 1983, and there was only one animatronic: Fredbear himself. It was a revolutionary concept for its time, but that wasn't enough for William. He wanted to do the same thing as me. He tried to use futuristic technology to create a small place called Circus Baby's Pizza World with only one animatronic: Circus Baby.

Both of our places did fairly well until one day, tragedy struck Circus Baby's. William told me everything that happened. His daughter, Isabelle, was abducted by the robot and soon after killed by complete accident. Of course, I sent him the best of wishes towards his recovery. But this triggered some kind of emotional slippage for Will.

One day, a young child was outside my diner, crying, begging to be let in. I was too busy with papers to help him. I thought I programmed Fredbear to be fully capable of opening doors, but I guess he was busy handing out cake to a small pack of kids in the diner with him. Suddenly, I heard a car pull up from outside and went over to the window to see what was happening. A purple car drove up in front of the building.

Out stepped William. He approached the young one and asked 'Hey little guy. Are you trapped out here by yourself?' I couldn't hear too well from the window due to the music and Fredbear, but what I saw afterwards I couldn't recover from for years. I saw William pull out a small screwdriver and run it through the kid's heart as his blood spilled out on the floor. I heard screaming and laughing before William got back in his car and drove away. Later on, the police got involved and a case was opened to try and solve what happened. No matter how many times I told them William was responsible, they never listened to me"

Henry slammed his fist on the table. "Apparently, according to them, there 'wasn't enough evidence to condemn him' or something like that. If it was up to me, the bastard would be dead. Listen to me: DON'T. EVER. GET. INVOLVED. WITH. WILLIAM. He is a very sick man who is and never was worthy of my attention in the first place. Understand?" he asked.

"Yes, I understand" spoke Brendon with a bit of disappointment ringing in his tone. He was really hoping to finally discover the truth about William and his involvement with Freddy's. If he could successfully pull off his lie about the sleepover...

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