Chapter 2

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William returned home and splashed some cold water on his face. He looked at his reflection in the mirror. "It's been 3 weeks since that incident happened" he thought to himself. "You could have been there to stop it from happening, but you let your past mistakes intervene again. Just like with Isabelle." William suddenly felt intense rage course through his body.

He curled his hands into fists and punched the mirror as hard as he could, completely shattering it into little fragments as they fell to the floor. His hand was bleeding, but it wasn't anything he never dealt with by now. He looked at his now distorted reflection through the broken mirror. "Maybe this better suits you. You're broken. Those pieces of the mirror on the floor represent your crumbling sanity as you fight to survive another day" he reflected in his subconscious.

"You truly cannot recover from Isabelle."

He treated his bloody hand and sat on the couch inside to watch TV. He felt compelled to look at the paper again, but decided to give himself more time away from it. He was already trembling violently enough.

Later that night, he found himself caught in a debate with his wife, Angelina, about the incident. As much as William didn't want to even waste his breath on such a worthless topic, he was mercilessly dragged into it by force.

"William, I told you. It was an accident" said Angelina.

"Oh really? Are you trying to tell me I should forgive him for killing my son on accident?" William responded.

"Michael is your son as well" she remarked.

"After what happened, I don't want to even associate myself with that piece of shit anymore" William growled as his eyes started slightly twitching.

"Oh stop it! You're being ridiculous now. You want to disown your son because of an accident? What is wrong with you?" she crudely remarked.

"Oh plenty of things are wrong with me, my dear. I don't think you want to know half of what's wrong with me" mumbled William.

"Look, all I'm saying is that what happened was an accident and you need to see it in your heart to forgive him" she explained.

"So you're condoning what he did then!" barked William.

"No. I don't condone what Mike did at all, but you're overreacting. Massively" she said. William felt his body going into mass hysteria.

"You think he's so innocent and sweet? Fine! He's your nightmare then!" yelled William as he stormed into their bedroom and slammed and locked the door behind him, leaving Angelina in shock. He sat on the bed and just stared at the ground emotionless. There was only 1 person on his mind at this point: Isabelle...

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