Chapter 16

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From the end of the hallway, the darkness seemed to scatter before regrouping again. The figures of one, then three, then four people began to show but just barely. Mike couldn't tell if they were facing him or in another direction, so he called out again:

"H-Hey! What the hell are you kids doing here?! Do you have any idea what fucking time it is?!"

The 'kids' decided to walk closer before one of them decided to speak.

"Well? Who the heck are you?"

At that moment, Freddy moved his head to face the kids, his eyes darker than the sky outside without stars. He stared right at them without them even knowing. Mike saw this happen and quickly fumbled out whatever he knew he could answer with.

"Look! There's not enough time to explain! J-Just come with me to the security office! This place... It- It isn't safe... ESPECIALLY not for you!"

Simon felt heavily uneasy about the whole ordeal, and turned around behind him, only to be greeted by the glowing white eyes of Freddy piercing his soul. He quickly tugged on Brendon's shirt to show him. When Brendon saw this, sweat poured down his forehead. He stared back at Mike for a brief moment.

"Please, I mean no harm... Just please trust me. If you come with me, I can get you guys out safely tomorrow morning" he said almost frantically.

After much thought, Brendon and the group hastily agreed to join the strange man in the office for the night. Simon's parents wouldn't be home until tomorrow anyways. If they could just get out of here quick enough...

The office was small and crowded, many parts of it were tossed around like one of the robots was rummaging through it earlier. It was barely enough to hold all of them. Mike sat back down in his seat and began to flip quickly through all the cameras, already Bonnie was gone...

Then the message played...

It was very eerie, featuring a strange deep voice mumbling in reverse while screams could be heard in the background. It was pretty much impossible to understand what it was saying. Certainly quite the opposite of the calm and mild mannered tone of the "Phone Guy" who left behind the other messages. Just as quick as the call started, it cut itself off with loud screaming, but left everyone in fear.

"J-Jesus... So that's what happened to him..." mumbled Mike.

"Wait... Who?" asked Brendon.

"The man on the phone! Last night, it sounded like something happened to him! I don't know why I let my father talk me into coming here! This was a horrible idea!" he yelled.

Everyone needed a plan for the night. Brendon frantically tried to think of an idea.

"Alright, here's how we're gonna do this. Kaitlin, Simon, you both take the East Hall. Me and Amanda got the West Hall covered" he spoke with utter confidence, believing his plans would get them through safely.

Mike flipped up the monitors and immediately began searching. Bonnie was approaching the West Hall quickly, Foxy was already peaking out, and Freddy and Chica remained on stage. In just a matter of seconds, Bonnie was already coming down the West Hall. Brendon and Amanda peered out the hall and saw his silhouette barely visible by the flickering light.

"Yep, that's Bonnie, alright" mumbled Amanda. She no doubt recognized his large bunny ears and rather upright posture. At that moment, he almost seemed to step closer, his loud mechanical feet stomping on the shiny blue floor. They both jumped back at the sight of this and hid back in the office again.

Mike stared down at his watch... 12:05

This was going to be a very long night...

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