Chapter 6

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The next morning, William and the family were given a horrible choice. The doctor stepped out of the room with a look of disappointment on his face.

"Doctor, how's he doing?" asked William in concern. Angelina and Michael both sat in the chairs behind him.

"Well, Kenny has yet to awaken. He hasn't responded in months now. So we give you a choice. Do you want to keep him on life support, and hope he'll wake up soon, or do you want to pull the life support, and let nature take its course?" asked the doctor.

William's eyes almost burst from his skull when he heard this news. He turned to Mike with that same look of infallible hatred in his eyes. He walked over to Angelina and started asking for her opinion. Finally, after a few minutes, they came to a conclusion. William turned to face the doctor.

"We're gonna..." he went to say before pausing and trying to fight back tears.

"We're... gonna" he started struggling to say the words. "We're gonna pull the life support" he finally said before burying his head in his hands. Angelina got up and comforted him with an arm on his back.

"I'm sorry. I know it must have been hard to come to that decision" he said. "If you want to say your final words to him, you may do so now" the doctor said.

William ran inside the room and stared at what was left of Kenny. The top of his head was covered in a bandage, his eyes were still shut, and he had an IV connected into his right arm. He was still tightly clenching the plushie resembling Fredbear that he had brought with him the day of the bite. There was a bottle of pills for if he ever woke up, and some flowers Angelina sent him sitting on the table beside him.

"Kenny, I'm so sorry this happened to you" said William, attempting not to cry. "I'M SO SORRY THIS HAPPENED" he yelled as he slammed his head on the blanket that wrapped Kenny up as he pounded the table next to him. Angelina stepped in next.

"Kenny, I'm ashamed I never got to fully raise you. I'm sorry this happened to you. Don't worry. Even in heaven, mommy will always be with you" she said with tears running down her face. "I promise."

Finally, Mike walked up to his brother. "Kenny, can you hear me?" he said. "I don't know if you can hear me. I'm sorry." He sat in a chair next to Kenny as he buried his head in his hands and began tearing up. "I'm so sorry, Kenny" he mumbled while starting to sniffle. "I didn't mean for the plan to backfire the way it did on you. I don't want to see you die now" he said as he began crying. He grabbed Kenny's hand and gripped it tightly.

"I'm sorry, Kenny, I'm sorry!" he said as his voice grew shaky.

"Well, I guess this is goodbye, little buddy. I love you" he said as he got up and watched the doctor pull the life support.

The heart rate monitor frantically beeped as if Kenny was desperately trying to pull himself back to life. It slowed down over the course of roughly 15 seconds before finally crawling to a dreary flat line. Kenny was dead. The doctor pulled out a green blanket and encased Kenny's body inside while tagging his foot with the following note "Kenny Afton. Died November 12th, 1987 at 6AM."

Later on that night, Michael sat in his parents room, the thought of Kenny's death still plaguing his mind. He tried desperately not to cry.

He saw the Foxy mask he used to kill Kenny. He picked it up and threw it against the room as hard as he could as it slammed against the wall, simply falling over to the ground and making no movement afterwards.

"Stupid piece of-" he went to yell, but stopped himself from finishing his sentence. "It's like that thing had a mind of its own" he admitted to himself. Suddenly, the door swung open and William entered, not expecting to see Michael in the room. He remembered the threat he had made to Michael if Kenny didn't survive the incident.

"Well, I hope you're happy, Michael" he said sternly. "I hope you're FUCKING happy" he growled. "Now Kenny is dead thanks to you. That's two kids that slipped under my belt. TWO OF THEM!" he yelled again. Michael sat there, making no comment at all. William went over to his cabinet, and pulled out something.

"Wait, where's mom?" asked Michael as he began to noticeably shake in fear.

"She checked into a hotel tonight. She didn't want to even look at you after what you did to Kenny, you sick bastard" said William. He locked the door and walked up to Mike. He knew what needed to be done.

"So, Mike, remember what I said to you what would happen if Kenny died?" he asked with a large smile on his face as his eye twitched involuntarily.

"No, what?" said Mike with a bit of a shaky tone in his voice. He lied. He remembered what William said, and knew it was about to happen.

"I said you wouldn't like what I would do if he died, Michael. Now do you remember?" he asked again. Michael nodded his head yes in fear as a few tears started streaming down his face.

"Good. Because I think you know what's about to happen" he said as he withdrew a belt from behind his back. Mike closed his eyes and took in a sharp burst of air as he prepared for the worst.


Mike yelled in pain, hardly appropriate for someone who was usually pain resistant like him. He felt an intense throbbing pain in his side. He lifted up his shirt to see nothing but a large red imprint on his side where the belt had struck. Suddenly, he was hit again, this time not expecting it. Mike yelled again, this time feeling pain in his leg. He didn't even bother to lift it up to see what happened.

William started beating him continuously with the belt over and over and over again. Each strike hurt more than the last. He hit Mike in the head, on the arm, a few more times on the legs, and even his chest. Each smack detailed another brutal imprint that left Mike in tears. By the time it was over, Mike's body was noticeably shaking from the pain. It hurt so bad. Mike moaned in agony. The pain was unbearable. William didn't say a word to him after it was over. Instead, he smiled to himself, unlocked the door, put the belt away, and left the room without saying a word.

Mike laid there for the next 5 minutes before he felt the sudden urge to pull himself up. He struggled, and used the wall to help. Once he pulled himself up, he stumbled over to the mirror. He looked at it and pulled up his shirt. Some parts of his body were red. Other parts were dripping with fresh blood that stuck to his clothes. Mike took a bit on his finger and simply looked at it before wiping it on a napkin in the room.

Then he looked at his legs. They, too, were bleeding in some spots. But most of it was composed of imprints where the belt had hit. Mike saw more imprints on his body than he thought would be there. It was painful. He went to his room, and threw himself on the bed. He groaned in pain as he looked at his body again. All red. He was shook from paranoia after that and started crying again. Not from the pain, but from the loss of Kenny. He now fully regretted what he did. Mike picked up the Foxy mask on the way out and took it to his room. Using whatever muscles weren't aching, he mutilated the mask.

He ripped it up, stomped on it, crushed it. He mauled it until it was a pile of red plastic pieces on the floor. He looked at it and snarled while hyperventilating aggressively and in fear. It felt satisfying enough for him. Mike laid in his bed, turned off the lights, and went to bed for the night.

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