Chapter 1

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Hey guys, this is my first story I hope you guys enjoy it, if so vote and comment. Thanks everyone, that's all so on with the story :) 

WARNING: This book does include triggering scenes so please be warned

It was a tremendous change, moving halfway across the world just because my mum got a job there. I am from Australia I don't want to move to England it's too cold over there, but I just want to see my mum happy. I didn't want to leave all my friends behind. I finally found my place in high school but now I have to start over again.

After a long plane trip, we were in Cheshire England. We were unpacking the truck with all our belongings, putting them in different rooms trying to make it feel homely, but, it's not the same. My mum was running frantically around trying to get things in order while I was trying to calm her down.

The day was passing, and we were moving, lifting, scraping, pushing things around trying to get the house in order. At roughly 4 O'clock I heard a knock at the door. I opened it and standing in front of me with a plate of scones was a tall, brown-haired, brown-eyed boy with an awkward smile on his face. He was gorgeous. I have never seen a guy like him. I guess we had attractive guys in Melbourne but not like this.

"Hi, I'm Blake Richardson, I live next door, so I guess that makes you my new neighbour," he says,

 "Nice to meet you, I'm y/n" I reply,

 "My mum made some scones and asked me to bring them over as a housewarming present," Blake said, 

"Thank you, that's really kind of you and your mum," I said while smiling.

 "Also, my mum invited you and your mum over for dinner" he remembered,

 "tell your mum we will be there!" I smirked. 

Blake went back to his house as I finished getting the house ready then I got ready. As I was getting ready in my room I looked out of my window across to the Richardson house into a room. At first, I didn't realise whose room it was but after a while I saw Blake. Standing there, taking off his top to get changed. Man is he gorgeous! I quickly looked away just in case he turned around and saw me. I continued to get dressed for dinner then we made our way next door.

I rung the doorbell and he opened it. Wearing a nice knitted jumper and black jeans,

 " you look really nice, come in" he said while looking embarrassed, 

"thanks, so do you" I said as I walked into his house. 

His house is roughly the same size as mine but ours is more modern. I sit down across from Blake next to my mum and Blake's sister Abbie.

(sorry this was so short guys it wil get better I promise you!!!)

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