Chapter 3

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I wake up, Abbie was right it's snowing! I jumped out of bed and got changed into nice warm clothes but making sure it covered my wrists. Finally, I got to see snow, I ran downstairs like a little kid on Christmas,

 " IT'S SNOWING" I screamed as mum walked out of the kitchen with a hot cup of tea. She just laughed at me I said goodbye to my mum and walked next door to the Richardson house. I knocked on the door and a blonde and a bronzey gold haired boy answered the door. I must admit they were good looking but not as good as Blake. 

"Is Blake and Abbie here?" I asked confused, 

"yes come in" they said in unison.

I walked in while Abbie was walking downstairs she ran up to me and gave me a hug. 

"Are you excited y/n?" Asked Abbie,

 " is that even a question" I laughed at her. 

We went and sat near the two boys I had never seen before.

 " Ok, y/n, this is Reece and George, they are Blake's best friends and are coming with us today" she said as if she could tell I was confused. 

" Oh I understand now, Hi I'm y/n" I smiled. After roughly 5 minutes Blake finally came down and we left.

We caught and Uber to Planet Ice in Widens as Abbie suggested I learnt how to skate. After we arrived we collected our skates and went to put them on. I sat down next to Abbie,

 " Hey Y/n are you alright?" Asked Abbie, 

" yeah why did you ask"I replied, 

" well blake said he saw you crying yesterday so he told me" she said with a sad tone, 

" look don't worry about it just something my mum said" I said, 

well I didn't completely lie I just only told her half of the truth. I took my big coat off which I knew was risky as sometimes my sleeves rolled up and you would have been able to see the scars but I told myself I would be cautious.

We started skating, well let's say that includes me walking around holding the edge while Abbie helps me. After a while, I finally become a little more confident so I let go of the side and start building momentum. I start to go round a corner and I become unbalanced, I realised Reece was there so I grabbed on to him to stop me from falling but he grabbed my wrists and I wince in pain. He looks down at my wrists and sees my cuts. He looked at me with a confused look on his face. I can't face him, I turn around and skate back to where we put our belongings and took my skates off. 

" y/n are you alright?" He asked

 " yeah I'm great" I tell him 

" I know your not, what happened when did you do that?" He asks me 

" last night but don't tell Abbie or George or Blake Or their mum either," I say pleadingly 

" I can't promise that, especially if you hurt yourself, look y/n I know we just met but I feel like we are going to be good friends and I will look out for you ok, I will be here to talk and listen," he said and gave me a hug. 

" thanks Reece but I can't tell you just yet I'm not ready" I reply, I don't know why but I trust him and I care for him but not in a way I would date him, a friend well I guess he's one of my only friends besides Abbie and George I'm not sure about Blake he acts weirdly around me sometimes, however, I did only meet him yesterday.

Abbie, Blake and a George skate over to us and ask us if we want to go get something to eat so I nod my head and look at Reece with a nervous face. We decided to go to the golden dragon right near the ice skating rink. Once we arrived we sat down at a table I was sitting in between Abbie and Blake,

 "so Reece, y/n what were you two up to at the rink?" Abbie asks,

 " nothing I just almost fell so Reece helped me," I said, Reece looked at Blake with an 'I swear it was nothing' look on his face, which I found odd.

 "Sure sure" Abbie smirked.

 I looked at my wrists then at Reece, he knew I was in pain right now, not just physically but mentally. After a long meal, we head back to the Richardson house and decide that we would chill and watch movies. I quickly run back to my house and find more comfortable clothes and put them on for a movie night. I walk back in and they are arguing over what movie to choose

 " we are watching toy story" Blake and I scream in unison. We go for a high five but one of the hand holding ones and I just stare into his glorious eyes until I realise that he's staring at my wrists...

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