Chapter 17

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We all ran out the door and decided to walk, none of us can drive so it was either walk or catch the bus.

"How long does it take to walk" Jordan moaned,

"only 15 minutes" Blake said,

"15 minutes too long" Reece said,

"Lazy bones" I laughed jumping on Jordan,

"ok so what happened with you two last night" Reece asked,

"umm" I said,

"we don't have to say anything" Blake said wrapping his arm around my waist,

"I don't really care, you can say it" I faintly smiled,

"umm, well after you dared y/n last night I went out after her as you know, I told her she didn't have to worry about it, we had a short conversation, then we started double bouncing each other on the trampoline, and then we kissed" Blake mumbled looking at me,

"aww you guys are so cute" Karro squeaked,

We just kept talking the whole walk there. Finally we were at the carnival, oh my god did it look amazing! It was so different than ones in Melbourne.

"This looks so beautiful" I whispered Blake overhearing me,

"not as beautiful as you" he whispered back in my ear,

"So what are we going on first" George said getting excited,

"umm I'm not going on any of them" Blake said hands up,

"what why not" I asked,

"didn't Blakey tell you he is scared of rides" Reece said like a little girl,

"I will just hold your stuff" Blake suggested,

"No, please please please come on some with me" I whined giving him puppy dog eyes,

"fine" he smirked,

"woah, that's never happened before, not even we can do that" Reece said pretending to be hurt,

"stop talking let's go" Jordan said almost running off,

"I like the look of the freak out" Karro said pointing to a claw-ish ride,

"umm I think I'm gonna freak out" Blake said looking scared,

"hey it will be ok you can in-between Reece and I" I said squeezing Blake's hand,

"hmm k" Blake said looking at me nervously,

"it's ok" I whispered staring him in the eye,

We walked up to the ticket booth,

"what would you like" the ticket person asked,

"can we please get 6 of the unlimited pack" I said giving her the money,

"y/n no don't pay for us" Karro said,

"yeah seriously" Reece joined in,

"guys it's fine" I say,

"here you go" the lady says and I grab the passes,

we wait in the line for 5 minutes until we finally get to go on.

"oh crap I can't do this" Blake said squeezing my hand,

"Blake it's ok" I say kissing his hand,

"are you ready to goooo" someone shouts over the speaker

"woooo" we all scream back except for Blake,

"just have fun it's ok" I say trying to reassure him,

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