Chapter 21

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y/n POV

I woke up with a pounding headache. If I am honest I did drink a lot last night so I don't remember what happened after Blake started running around the pool. I was laying there thinking until I realised I wasn't at my house. I was curled up in Blake's bed. I got up too quickly which didn't help my already pounding headache. I went to turn the bedside lamp on and checked the time "crap it's 9 pm" when I saw a note addressed to me;

"Dear y/n, 

You have no idea how sorry I am that you had to put up with my drunk ass last night and I wanted to make it up to you. I have made you breakfast already and it is downstairs. Also, I am going out for a little bit but will be back. I know you will have a hangover when you wake up so I want to make sure you remembered the most important part of the night. 

I told you I loved you and you didn't believe me which I couldn't and still can't believe. The thing that stumped me was when you asked why. I don't know how you think you are not love worthy and that you aren't capable of being loved. But after the whole pool incident, you took me to my bathroom and ran me a bath you were being so incredibly kind and nurturing it made me love you even more and I didn't think it was possible. 

You ended falling asleep in the chair next to me so I picked you up and put you in my bed. I didn't sleep in the bed with you because I wanted to respect your privacy and wanted to give you space especially after the whole Britt thing. But instead of going to sleep I stayed up I kept thinking about everything you have been through and realised you are a soldier you keep going into these battles and come out alive and even though you don't feel like you can You absolutely amaze me so I wrote you something;

 My Promise to My Soldier 

I promise to be there for you always

Whenever you need a helping hand

I promise to think about you daily

Wherever you are in the world

I promise to never let you down

No matter what we go through

I promise to keep you in my mind

So you know I am always thinking of you

I promise to be here when you need me most

I will be there with you until the end

I promise to be your support

When you need it most

I promise to help you through the tough times

Even though it will hurt me

I promise to be here for you when you are in pain

Even though it will pain me too

I promise to support you in any decisions you may make

No matter what they are

I promise to be there for you when decisions need to be made

Even though it will kill me to watch you leave

I promise I will be there to say goodbye

I promise to be there to say hello again

I promise to return to you

After tours and whenever we are apart

I promise to love you forever and eternally

No matter what happens or where life takes us

I promise to be loyal to you 

Because I know that you will be loyal to me

I promise that no matter where life takes me

It will never take me away from you

I promise to be here forever and always

Trustworthy and in love

Forever and always

I promise.  

I love you so much y/n I hope you know that.

Love the one and only Blake Richardson xoxo

"Oh god the things you do to me Blake Richardson," I say holding back tears but faintly laughing,

"I like seeing a smile on your face" Reece said standing in the door way,

"Oh hey Reece" I smiled,

"So did you like it" Reece said jumping on the bed next to me,

"Yes I did very much so" I said folding the letter up,

"he really does love you" Reece said sitting down next to me on the bed,

"yeah I guess, anyway where is he" I asked,

"he just has some stuff to do, but come on get up and bring your breakfast downstairs" Reece replied pulling me up,

"Ugh fine" I groaned and followed him,


A few hours had passed and I was sitting on Blake's couch with George playing NBA on the xbox. Blake still hadn't come back yet so I was getting worried but I was also confused because no one was telling me where he was. The Vamps boys were still here and just relaxing with Reece, George and I so George and I ended our game and decided to walk down to the park and play a game of soccer all together. 

It was Brad, Tristan and Connor vs Reece, James, George and I. They believed that because I was from Australia I was disadvantaged because I didn't know much about it, but little did they know I was on my school's soccer team, so they should be ready. 

We started running around the park and the boys seemed to be mildly surprised at my skills in soccer, well as they like to call 'Football', but don't hate on me I'm Australian. 

"Hey y/n, over here" George screamed when I had the ball,

"1,2,1,2" I replied kicking the ball to George,

George and I quickly returned the ball back and forth to one another and yes we scored!

"Woooo" George and I screamed in unison,

"We are class," George said excitedly while we jumped into a hug,

"we smashed them" I replied laughing,

"Woah, what did I miss," Blake said walking across the park,

"Blake" I screamed and ran to him,

"Hello to you too" Blake laughed as I jumped on him,

"Dude where have you been" I play punched him,

"Yeah lad where have you been," Reece and George asked,

"Organising something" Blake smirked,

"What," I asked confused,

"That's for me to know and you to find out, so meet at the train station in 2 hours, and wear something nice but comfortable," Blake said then walked away,

"Wait, Blake" I yelled but he didn't turn around,


hey guys I am so sorry this chapter took so long and that it is a short chapter but I have been really busy lately and over the school holidays I was sick. I also have had major writer's block and had no inspiration to write and I am so sorry about that. I am also so sorry that this is kind of a filler and bludge chapter. Once again please don't give up on me guys! Keep reading and we will get there xx

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