Chapter 13

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Karro and I had parted ways and I was now in my homeroom waiting for Reece and Simon. A few minutes after I had just arrived Reece walked in. 

"Hey, Reece" I smiled,

 "Hey y/n what's up" he replied,

 "not much, what about you?" I asked 

 "Yeah, same really" he replied,

"Oh um, y/n I hope I am not overstepping boundaries but Blake said he is sorry about this morning" Reece added,

"He told you" I whispered,

"Yeah only because he wanted to tell me why it was awkward earlier" he whispered back,

"does he think I am angry at him?" I asked,

"Yeah, kind of" Reece replied,

"Please tell him that I'm not angry just embarrassed," I said softly,

"I think you should," Reece said, my smile turning into a frown,

"fine I will do it either first break or in music," I said,  but Reece just gave me a look.

Homeroom had finished and I was now sitting in my Swedish class with Karro.

"So y/n who do you sit with," Karro asked

"Uh, Blake, Reece, George, Ben, Olly, Nick, and Simon," I said 

"What? You are so lucky" Karro beamed,

"How?" I asked,

"Because hardly anyone sits with them because of Britt" she replied,

"what do you mean?" I asked confused,

"Well, Britt kind of scares girls of, she is really territorial over them for some reason..." She continued,

"Do not many people like them then?" I said

"Oh no, not like that, everyone loves them, but Britt kind of acts li-" I cut her off

"Like Britt, Trust me I know plenty of people like that" I rolled my eyes, 

"Tell me about it" Karro laughed.

Swedish was hard and extremely confusing. In Australia, I learnt German but they didn't have German hear so I thought 'why not!' but trust me they are not alike, Swedish is extremely hard and I keep getting confused between German and Swedish. Karro is actually from Sweden but moved to Cheshire 5 years ago 2 years before high school started which is lucky since no one had friendship groups yet. Moving when you are in the 3 years of high school is hard because everyone has their cliques and no one really cares about making new friends. I guess I am pretty lucky though, moving in next to Blake has had a really positive effect so far and making things a little bit easier. 

Swedish had finally finished and now I had to go to legal studies. Karro told me that they were doing a test today so I was hoping the teacher wouldn't make me do it.  Since Karro and I had Legal together we both walked to our lockers then to class together. At my locker, I was bombarded by Reece. 

"Heyyy, y/n" Reece said,

"Reece what's up" I said, 

"I don't even know" he replied,

"What class have you got" I asked.

"Umm....." Reece paused,

"You don't know, I know my class and I started yesterday" I laughed,

"Well, what do you have" Reece questioned me,

"Well, Karro and I -" Reece cut me off,

"Did you say Karro?" Reece asked me,

The Blake next doorOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora