Chapter 20

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"Yes y/n I love you. I love you more than anything in the world, I have since we went Ice skating" Blake said tearing up,

"Why. I'm just me, I'm worthless," I say falling to the floor sobbing,

"no baby girl, you are anything but worthless, you are priceless" Blake whispered sitting down and bringing me into him,

"no, I'm not, I suck, no one cares about me" I started crying,

"no, just because you think you're worthless doesn't mean you are. y/n, I love you, ok?" Blake said trying to reassure me,

"Why" I whimpered,

" explaining why I love you is like explaining the taste of water. Impossible. There are so many reasons why I love you" Blake said but I just kept crying,

"I love you for trusting me, I love you for wanting and needing me by your side. I love how you have and show your emotions. For making me smile whenever I see you. I love how you are always on my mind. I love how when I am with you I feel like I have found a part of me that I thought I would never find. I love you for you, and how you make me feel, but most of all I love you for you" Blake whispered holding me,

"I--I Love--You," I said breaking in between tears,

"Y/n you don't have to say that just because I did" Blake said holding me,

"No Blake I mean it, every word of it" I said snuggling my head into his chest,

"guys times been up ages ago" Reece said knocking on the door, 

"I don't want to get up" Blake mumbled,

"I am coming in" Reece yelled opening the door,

"what happened in here, hold up y/n why are you crying" Reece said surprised,

"I told y/n I loved her" Blake said slowly,

"WHAT" Reece screamed,

"OMG WHAT, WOO" Reece added jumping up and down in excitement,

"Ahh there's that smile I love!" Blake said squishing my face,

"Stooooop it" I squealed,

"Woah what's going on in here" Tristan said walking in,

"Don't worry" Reece jumped,

"umm ok then" Tristan said walking away,

"are we going to go back out there?" Blake asked,

"yeah I guess" I smiled,

The rest of the night was spent drinking, Brad trying to flirt with me and George low-key hitting on Connor. Trust me I can tell these things, well at least most of the time. I had the least to drink and I could definitely tell who were lightweights; Blake, George, and Brad, the others seemed to be able to handle it but oh can I tell you, Blake, George, and Brad obviously didn't. 

"Hey y/n," Blake said extremely hyped,

"yes" I groaned,

"I want to go swimming," He said and jumped up and down,

"YEAH ME TOO" George screamed,

"No you are way too intoxicated to go swimming," I said trying to quieten Blake down,

"No come on we are going to your house," Blake said getting up and running outside,

"Oh crap," I say getting up and running after him,

"hey I want to come too," George said whining,

"George sit down and stay there, Connor can you keep him there," I asked,

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