Chapter 2

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*trigger warning s/h*

7 pm -

It was just reaching sunset  as we started eating. Abbie and I were talking non stop, she kept asking me about Australia.

 " What's the weather like there?" Abbie asks, 

" Well Melbourne has 4 seasons in one day to be honest" I laughed.

 "But most of summer its nice and hot then winter it's pretty chilly but I haven't experienced snow in my area" I continued, Abbie looked at me in shock,

 "You have never seen snow" she asked.

 "No..." I replied hesitantly whilst Abbie looked at Blake, 

" We will take you out tomorrow since it's supposed to snow" said Abbie cheerfully.

After a nice dinner, my mum and I walk back home. 

" Blake is nice isn't he?" she says,

 " Mum seriously, we only just got here and you're already pressuring about getting a boyfriend" I frustratingly say, 

" Well I know you haven't really had many guy friends si-" I cut her off, 

" Mum just stop". I stormed up to my room slamming my door. I can't believe she would ever bring that up, she knows that was so hard for me.

There I am sitting on my bed crying because of some stupid person who used to be so significant to me but now they are gone out of my life. 

"Why did my mum have to bring him up" I said to myself. I hear a tap at my window. I look up and realise Blake is throwing rocks at my window. He holds up a piece of paper saying " Are you okay?" I grab whatever paper I can find and write " Don't worry".

I walk into my en-suite, I find my razor. I keep going balling my eyes out. It's getting bad again and I don't know what to do, or where to go, or who to tell, because nobody really cares... right? I have never really had a best friend or anyone there for me. I guess my mum but I can't tell her anything, parents are always judging us and giving us their opinion but I just need someone to listen.

I walk back to my bed wrist covered in blood.  You know that moment when you're crying and try so hard to stop but the tears just keep on coming and you try to control it but you can't; it's called falling apart. And that's how I feel right now. I've been fine for a while but now it has hit hard again. I'm supposed to be starting fresh because no one knows me here. No one knows my past or my story. I need to get myself together. I lay there for god knows how long trying to get to sleep until I finally do.

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