Chapter 23

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I read the letter multiple times trying to get it through my head. 

Joe asked me to go on tour with them


J.O.E. A.S.K.E.D. M.E. T.O. G.O. O.N. T.O.U.R. W.I.T.H. T.H.E.M

I looked up at Blake confused yet I couldn't wipe a smile off my face.

"Blake is this a joke," I asked him,

"No it's not, we seriously want you to come with us" he replied,

"Thank you thank you thank you," I said jumping up again and hugging him,

"Don't thank me, it's because you're amazing!" he said bopping my nose,

"Blake I seriously cannot thank you enough," I said jumping up and down in a circle.

Blake and I enjoyed our picnic in Paris. I couldn't believe I was lucky enough to have met someone willing to do something so special for me. I know it sounds cliche but this is the one time in my life I've been truly content and happy. I know it sounds selfish but I finally feel like I deserve this, I deserve to be happy with others and myself. 

Blake and I finally caught the train back home and entered Blake's house. We were both surprised to see all of our friends together waiting for us having a house party in Blake's house. I was confused but excited, it was the perfect end to a perfect day. 

(sorry guys time jump)


Blake and I have been going strong, we are closer than ever and really happy. I have an amazing relationship with my friends and I couldn't ask for anything better. It is the day before we go on tour and start stadium rehearsals, yet I still can't believe this is actually happening to me. Blake and I have completely left our relationship offline due to him not wanting me to be attacked by any fans.

 I just started packing and have been struggling to find outfits for each show. We are doing 8 shows in a month then we will take a little break and start again. I never expected to do something like this with my life. I hardly like playing in front of the boys let alone an entire stadium of people but it's time to keep pushing further outside of my comfort zone. 

I've been trying to pick outfits for when I perform and it's really hard because I don't know whether to be really 'glammed up' 

I decided on these 8 outfits;

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