Chapter 8

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The boys and I sat down with their friends Olly and Nick were trying to flirt with me which was really funny but Simon and I were having a good conversation until a gorgeous brunette walked over 

"who are you" she said with a disgusted tone

 "y/n" I said 

"what are you doing hanging with my boys" she said

 " Brittany we are not your boys" said Blake 

"Brittany just leave her alone" said Simon 

"Simon stop being so gay" she said

 "How many times do I have to tell you I am not gay" he replied 

"Britt leave us and y/n alone go back to your minions and boy toys" Reece snapped, she was so surprised by that remark she couldn't come up with anything and left. "Nice one Reece" Ben patted him on the back, I looked down ' I can't believe it's already started' I said to myself. Suddenly I got a text:

Casual Creep x -Are you ok???

me- yeah...

Casual Creep x - you don't sound like it :(

me- I will deal with it :/

Casual Creep x - want to stop at the cafe on way home and then come to mine?

me- yeah I need it x

Casual Creep x - :)

"y/n who are you texting" Olly asks while grabbing my phone,

 "ooooh who is 'Casual Creep x'" I just start laughing at Blake's face to what his name is on my phone 

"y/n you naughty little thing you're going over to his house, well I am assuming it is a guy" Ben says reading off my phone that Olly is holding 

"Is he good looking" asks Nick who seemed kind of jealous 

"Nah he is so so ugly" I said smirking and Blake almost choked on his food and I couldn't stop laughing, 

"can we meet him"Nick asked "yeah can we" asked Reece, this time I almost choked on my food 

"Is he your boy" George winked at me 

" No we are just friends" I said while trying not to laugh. 

"What if he wants to be more than a friend" Blake asked

 "How would you know if he does" I asked Blake setting him up

 "yeah true how would you know" Ben added 

"I was just saying WHAT IF he wanted to be more" Blake asked 

" Well he should know what has happened in the past and that I can't go there yet" I said looking at Blake 

"OH MY GOD" Reece practically screamed 

"Reece" I said 'It's just a joke I mouthed' 

"Reece do you know something" asked Olly "no" he said "yes you do" Simon said. Luckily the bell went,

 "y/n what do you have now" George asked, 

"English with O'Sullivan" I replied 

"oh that means your with me then" Simon butted in 

"well I'll see you guys later" I said to the rest of the group. 

"So who's the guy" Simon asked

 "it's Blake, but we are just friends and he literally lives next door so it isn't unusual" I said

 "oooh ok, Nah I get it" Simon said 

"thanks Simon, just don't tell the others" I said 

"sure" he replied. Let's just say English was boring, we have to study 'To Kill a Mockingbird' and let's say I am not reading it. However, Simon is fun, he was quiet at first but now he is opening up to me. I feel kind of weird because I am the only girl in the group and I don't know if they want me there...... Am I a burden?

After English I had Maths, I am really good at maths but I hate it, like seriously when am I ever going to think ' hmm I wonder what the hypotenuse of that hill is'. So far today hasn't been too bad but I don't know anyone in my maths class, I haven't been good at making friends ever since the incident. When I walked into Maths I saw the same girls that are in my homeroom all sitting together at the back. Skirts just covering their ass, talking about how many guys they have hooked up with, oh and of course Brittany is their group leader. I tried to sit down without her noticing me but of course it didn't work.

" y/n how do you know the boys?" Britt asked

 "I live next to Blake so he introduced me to his friends today but I had already met George and Reece" I said hesitantly,

 "well news flash they are ours, you can't just come into this school acting like you are everyone's best friend because they are ours and we are your worst nightmare" she said. The whole lesson was spent with the girls mocking me, calling me names and throwing paper at me let's just say I couldn't be happier it was now lunch.

"Hey y/n" called nick 

"oh hey nick" I replied 

"are you alright" he asked

 "yeah fine" I said as we approached 'our table' when I saw Britt and her group all surrounding the boys. I sat down in between Blake and Reece as most of the girls were on the opposite side.

 "So y/n where did you move from" one of Britt's minions asked 

"Australia" I replied 

"why" minion 4 asked 

"my mum got a job here" I said

 "what family are you here with" minion 2 asked

 " my mum and I don't have siblings so yeah" I said softly

 "where's your dad then" Britt asked 

"not here" I said

 " awww did he not want you because I know I wouldn't" Brittany laughed

 "Britt shut the hell up you know nothing" Reece said. Everyone was staring at her but I couldn't take it I just got up and left. I didn't know where I was going, Blake had got up and followed me but I kept walking. I found myself losing Blake and entered the music room, I grabbed a guitar and started playing, making up lyrics as I go along. Next thing I knew I was balling my eyes out trying to find the sharpest object I could. The only person who has said that besides me was Robbie. It's bringing back flashbacks, memories, terrible things I had to see. I'm crying, crying more than the other day, and everything goes Black.....

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