Chapter 15

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We sneak behind the couch where the boys are, we try to be so quiet. I whisper to the girls, we are about to pounce. 3...2...1 

"BOO" we all shout,

We start squirting the boys with lemonade. I give Jordan my water gun and take her can of whipped cream. I run after Blake and start spraying him. 

"y/n! you are going to pay!" Blake yells,

"Never" I yell back while jumping on his back tackling him to the ground,

"get off" Blake laughs,

"No" I reply spraying cream in his hair and all over his face,

I put the cans down while I wipe it all over his face and all in his hair,

"You are going to regret doing that" he says while grabbing the cans I put down,

"oh no" I say and start running,

I grab a water gun from Jordan and use it as defense while running away from Blake,

"y/n you are going to get it" he calls from the other side of the room,

I realise I am trapped, either way I go I will be caught. I stay there waiting for Blake to make a move holding my water gun ready to fire. Suddenly, Blake climbs over the couch. Dang, he's got me I am done. He moves closer to me, I am firing lemonade at him but he just has an evil smirk. He walks closer and hugs me, he starts wiping his face all over mine and rubs his hair against me. I must admit it was kind of hot... hold up what am I saying. I swear we spent an hour having a lemonade and whipped cream fight. We finally we ended it and helped clean up Blake's house. 

"That was your plan wasn't it" Blake asked, 

"maybe" I smiled,

"come here" Blake said as he pulled me close and hugged me. Blake picked me up and spun me around. 

"you are forgiven" I laughed, 

"wait how did you know" he asked looking confused,

"I might have only been around for a few weeks, but I know you pretty well, and I know you had been in a weird mood all day" I said while squeezing his cheeks,

"Thanks" he said hugging me again,

"hey y/n and Blake come over here I got a few good photos of you during the fight"

"OMG BAHAHHA, they are so good" I laughed,

"send that to me, I am going to post it" Blake said to Jordan



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newhopeblake: I must admit you were sneaky :/ @yourusername


yourusername- bet you didn't see it coming

newhopereece- I can't believe they got us like that

newhopegeorge- @yourusername queen of pranks

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