Chapter 14

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The rest of the day was normal, well as normal as teenage life can be to be honest. Sometimes I wonder what we classify as normal, is it being perfect, having no flaws, or is it accepting yourself and being happy with who you are. I feel like everyone has their own definition. The rest of the week flew by and I was finally settling in at school. I had a good group of friends, and I had finally been feeling better. I had invited Jordan and Karro over for a sleepover tonight after school so we could spend the day together tomorrow.

I woke up at 7 am, got ready and headed to school. I decided to get there earlier and leave without Blake. I got to school around 7.30 to find George already there.

"Hey George" I said,

"Oh hey y/n" he replied,

"what are you doing here so early" I asked,

"I could ask you the same thing" he laughed,

"I just felt like getting here early" he added,

"haha, same here" I replied,

"We have music first" George said,

"aww yay today will be a fun day" I said,

"do you want to go to the lockers then the music rooms" he asked,

"yeah sure" I smiled,

George and I walked to his locker then mine to put some stuff away and grab what we needed for music and headed down to the music rooms. When we got down there we couldn't get in because the school hadn't started yet so it was locked. However, George, Reece and Blake were all given a key since they needed somewhere to practice for gigs and shows. George opened the door and I started running to the big room.

"y/n what are you doing" he laughed,

"sorry it's a habit" I replied,

"ok I will grab the stuff we need you can start setting the room up" he said,

"ok sure" I replied,

I started setting the room up, set up the microphones, grabbed my book out and got my lyrics to my song Medicine. If I am honest I didn't want to perform my song, I didn't even think it was good. You know those songs you write in the moment yeah well that's what that was but I guess the boys are making us do it so yeah...Anyway, George came back and we started playing around with random songs. A few of the songs were can't hold us"

Ay, ay, ay

Good to see you, come on, let's go

Yeah! Let's go!

Alright, alright, okay

Alright, okay

Alright, okay

Return of the Mack

Get 'em, what it is, what it does, what it is, what it isn't

Looking for a better way to get up out of bed

Instead of getting on the Internet

And checking a new hit me, get up

Thrift shop, pimp-strut walkin'

Little bit of humble, little bit of cautious

Somewhere between like Rocky and Cosby

Sweater game, nope nope, y'all can't copy

Yup, Bad, moonwalking, this here is our party

My posse's been on Broadway, and we did it our way

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