Chapter 22

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An hour had passed after Blake told me to meet him at the train station. I had showered and done my make up, now all I had to do was find something to wear. I was sitting there in my towel staring at my wardrobe full of clothes when I saw a note slip underneath my door. 

'don't forget to wear something fancy but comfy - B x' it read,

I awwed and turned around to my closet. I tried on a few options finally deciding on one;

 I tried on a few options finally deciding on one;

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I would have to say I thought I looked decent compared to normal. Most of the time I look like an ugly cow, but today I actually felt good about myself, for the first time in a while. I still had 20 minutes before I had to leave so I went downstairs. It takes 17 minutes to walk to the station according to google maps so I wanted to leave a little bit earlier. 

I sat down at my laptop and flicked through youtube and started listening to a 5 second of summer, then started scrolling through Pinterest to get some DIY ideas for my room. I haven't told anyone but I have a door in my wardrobe that has stairs that lead up to an extremely spacious attic that could pass as a third floor.

 I want to create my own space up there but I don't really have the money to go buy things and honestly it feels good to make things like I used to. I was thinking that I wanted to create a recording studio with a study nook and couches, especially since my bedroom is small-ish. 

Time had passed and it was finally time for me to go, I left the house and started walking down to the train station. It was only 1 pm in the afternoon so it wasn't dark otherwise, I wouldn't want to walk all the way in the dark. I passed the park we were at earlier, then passed school. I was at the station when a man approached me,

"Are you y/n" the man asked me,

"yes..."  I replied hesitantly,

"well I will take you to Mr. Richardson" he replied leading me down the station,

I followed until we got to the end of the platform. He led me into the first carriage. To my surprise, the carriage was empty and had rose petals were down the aisle. Lights were strung from pole to pole around the carriage and it was absolutely beautiful. I was in awe looking around when I heard someone walk in.

"You look stunning" Blake whispered,

"Thank you" I replied blushing,

"Turn around," Blake asked,

"Why," I asked worried,

"So I can do this" he said while putting his arms around me,

"where are we going" I asked Blake,

"That's for me to know and you to find out" he laughed,

"take a seat and relax" he added,


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