Chapter 10

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I felt bad so I decided to go to Blake's. He took me up to his room which I didn't know why since no one was home but it's whatever I guess. I still was confused about why all the group was discussing something. Were they talking about me? Did they not want me there? I tried to forget about it, 

"So how are you feeling " Blake said disturbing my fearful thoughts,

 "meh" I said as I shrugged my shoulders

 "I can tell somethings up" he said looking sorry for me,

 "look you don't have to act sorry for me ok and stop treating me like I need taking care of" I snapped back. 

Look don't get me wrong I like when people look after me it feels nice but I also feel like people feel pressured into doing it because I am problematic. Blake just feels sorry for me it's not like he actually cares. 

"y/n I do ca-" I cut him off 

"Is there anything you wanted to do school-related if not  I have to go" I said, he looked sad but I wasn't in the mood for him to act like nothing happened.

 "Maybe we can work on our songs for music" he proposed 

"yeah sure whatever," I said. 

"Do you want to practice singing the song you wrote?" He asked "start over again, sure" I said.

An hour passed and we had been practicing non-stop until we were interrupted by my phone going off. It was Simon, a huge sigh of relief came over me. 

"Blake is it ok if I answer?" I ask him 

"sure" he replied a little pissed off  

"Heyyy Simon!" I said answering his facetime call 

"hey hey you still alive?" he laughed 

"somehow" I laughed back, 

"what are you up to" he asked 

"I am still at Blake's" I said 

"Ohhhh" he replied 

"I can call back later if you want" he said

 "Nah actually I want to ask you something well both of you" I said to Blake and Simon. 

"What were all of you guys doing when you came out of the hall?" I asked, both Simon and Blake looked guilty

 "guys, please tell me," I said pleadingly 

"Ummm" Blake mumbled, 

"we can't tell you," Simon said. 

"why" I asked

 "because we just can't" Blake said,

 "does it involve me" I asked

 "yes" Blake and Simon said in unison.

 "what do you think it's about" asked Simon 

"I feel like you guys and the others don't want me sitting with you which I get because I am a girl I'm ruining your 'bro' time and I only just started so yeah" I blurted out.  

Blake looked at me shocked and Simon looked like I told him that Beyonce was the worst singer after a few minutes "why do you think that" Blake asked 

"well I dunno, I kinda get that vibe" I said

 "well you are completely wrong, practically the opposite" Simon said trying to reassure me.  

"Yeah whatever," I said, for some reason, I didn't believe them they were definitely hiding something, 

"umm ok then I will let you guys get back to whatever you were doing," said Simon 

"ok see you tomorrow," I said coldly. 

I kinda just sat there awkwardly in Blake's room, neither of us making a sound. 

"umm y/n you alright" asked Blake, 

"Yeah why" I said not looking at him, next thing I know Blake walks over and sits next to me, he grabs my legs and pulls them over his own. Blake's cradling me like a baby and I'm not moving, I try holding in tears that I don't even know what they are there for.

 "it's ok, I'm here" Blake whispered, I looked up at Blake and smiled 

"thanks Blake" I whispered back, just before I turned my head back Blake kissed my forehead. HE KISSED ME.... yeah it may be my forehead but still. I am probably overreacting, I overreact to everything he probably meant it as 'I am here for you' yeah definitely that. I get up quickly leave, I can't say anything to Blake, I'll just let it go he probably didn't even mean it. 

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