Chapter 9

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I can't move I feel paralysed. My vision has gone foggy from all the tears, I am lying on the ground in the music room not moving, crying so hard but not making a sound. 

Suddenly, I hear "y/n are you ok" I couldn't tell who it was.

 "y/n" they said again

 "y/n it's Blake I'm here, it's going to be ok" It was Blake, 

"" I stuttered, 

"It's ok I'm here" he said. He lifted me up, I was cradled in his arms. My vision started to clear, Blake looked sad, genuinely sad.

 "Blake thank you," I said before Blake said anything Reece came running in with Simon. Reece said that George was outside trying to occupy the boys, it doesn't feel these boys actually care?

 "y/n your bleeding," said Simon

 "Simon just don't ask" Reece whispered but I still heard him. 

"It's ok," I said "do you want to tell him?" asked Blake

 "can one of you," I said. After Blake and Reece explaining why I was bleeding, why I ran off and more, I had finally stopped crying. Simon gave me a huge hug and told me that he will always be there for me.

Even though I have been going through stuff I don't realise that I am lucky, well now anyway. Blake helped me up and we walked to the first aid room. People were looking at me, especially the boys, wondering why I was bleeding. It's so difficult to describe depression to someone who has never experienced it or been there because it's not sadness, it's much more than that. I get lost inside my mind, it makes me think and wonder 'what if' 'who would' how will' and it messes with me, and it doesn't just hurt me it hurts others around me as well. I was so lost in thought I didn't hear Blake talking to me, 

"y/n" "y/n are you alright" he said

 "yeah sorry umm, look you don't have to look after me go back with the other" I said, he looked at me in shock 

"no, I am going to make sure your ok and not because I have to because I WANT to, ok" he said 

"thanks Blake"I faintly smiled. 

"Do you still want to come over?" he asked 

"yeah I will if it's ok," I said 

"yeah it's fine I'll cheer you up" he smirked. 

"Time to face the music," he said 

"faking a smile is so much easier than explaining why you are sad," I said.

The boys had gone back to the table as we still had 20 minutes left of lunch. To say it was awkward was an understatement, everyone pretended nothing happened. 

"y/n what class do you have next" Blake asked

 "umm I think I have forensics" I said

 "ok then do you want to meet at the front gates so then we go back to mine" Blake said, everyone looked at him.

 "THAT MAKES SENSE" Olly practically shouted

, "OMG, are you guys a thing," Ben asked 

"NO" Blake and I shouted in unison. The rest of the boys were giving us skeptical looks, 

"I just wanted to talk to y/n and see what the first day of school was like" Blake said

 "sure sure" Nick replied. Luckily the bell went soon after so I could escape all the questions.

I wandered off to Forensics and realise I didn't know anyone in the class. Our teacher Mr. Pearce had assigned us seats, I ended up sitting next to a girl called Jordan. She had dark brown hair, nicely tanned skin, brown eyes, and glasses. She looked so kind,

 "Hi, I'm Jordan" she smiled, 

"Hi, I'm y/n" I replied, 

"We are going to partners for the rest of the semester," she said

 "sounds fun" I said. 

The rest of the lesson was spent organising a crime scene, yeah I know not your typical class but it's my favourite thing. Ever since I was 10 I have wanted to be a forensic scientist or work behind the scenes in the FBI, CIA, British intelligence and Australian Secret Intelligence Service. My favourite thing to do was binge watch crime shows like all the CSI's, criminal minds, the mentalist, law and order, cold case, Hawaii five'O, NCIS and more. 

It was one of my escapes along with music when I didn't feel wanted or felt like I had no one to turn to when times were rough. Some people think I'm crazy and say 'it's not like the tv shows' I KNOW, I get it, some people just don't accept others passions. The lesson went really quickly much to my disgust, however, it was time to go to the cafe then to Blake's house.

I rushed to my locker, packed my bad and gave Reece a hug, 

"could you go any slower" Reece laughed sarcastically, 

"haha see you tomorrow Reece" I laughed. I walked to the school gates to wait for Blake. I waited and waited, 5, 10, 15 minutes passed and I was still waiting for Blake. I decided to call Blake 'Hi it's Blake please leave your name and number and I'll call you back'. So I texted him:

y/n: Blake...

y/n: Blake where are you??

'Casual Creep x is typing'

Casual Creep x: I'm coming I was just caught up in something

y/n: k.

To say I was annoyed was pretty much spot on, he could of at least texted me that he was going to be late like mate seriously. A couple minutes later Blake finally arrived but to my surprise, all the guys exited the same way Blake did. 

"what's going on" I asked confused, 

"Umm don't worry let's go" He said. 

I didn't know whether to believe him or not they all seemed a bit suspicious. It took us 15 minutes to walk to the cafe, we ordered our drinks Blake tried to talk to me but I just shrugged him off. After walking back I couldn't decide whether to go back home or go with Blake.

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