Chapter 1- Frank's POV

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Author's Note:
Hi guys, this is my first ever fan fiction so i apologize if things alongs the lines do not make sense. I was honestly inspired by reading other frerard fics so i hope you enjoy and let the student see the teacher <3
Frank's POV

I stared at the clock and noticed how slow the hands were moving. The anticipation of going to history class was growing deep inside of me. I hated 4th period Biology and right now there was only 30 minutes to go.

I waited all day to see him knowing it would bring a beautiful ending to my exhausting 6 hour school day.

"Mr Iero?" Dr Howell repeated sternly, his monotoned voice pulling me away from my daydream.

Dr Howell was an odd man. He was extremely tall, always wore the same suit, his brown hair curving and sitting on his forehead and he spoke in an annoying monotoned voice.

"What?" I snapped back sounding a little harsher then it meant to.

"Why have you drawn over your biology book, this is not art class you know!" Dr Howell retorted.

I looked down, my eyes wide. I had scruffily doodled a particular figure over and over again. I didnt realise I was drawing as my mind wandered aimlessly. I started grinning at the drawings, letting a small laugh escape my lips.

That fucking topped it.

Dr Howell was glowing red by this point and this man was ready to lose his goddamn temper over a book. This man needed to get out more.

"You think this is funny, Frank? Why woul-"

I cut him off- his voice getting on my nerves.

"Well, Mr Howell, or whatever you call yourself, you see... this lesson is extremely boring and i enjoy art, hence all my tattoos. So to save you from blowing your brains out from my 'stupidity'. I may as well just leave." I replied casually smiling

I grabbed my things and strolled out of the door not before giving a small wave over in Dr Howells direction and laughing. And no, i didnt close the goddamn door either.

Since i had 15 minutes to kill before History, i decided to go to the bathroom to freshen up.

The bathroom was empty, which i was relieved to say the least. I stared in the mirror at my own reflection. My black hair that dangled above my shoulders looked a weeny bit greasy.
I sighed, taking a comb and brushing the locks out and fiddled with my lip ring.

I adjusted my hoodie and jeans and left the bathroom. The bell rung as if on cue and i beamed with excitment.

I didnt enjoy history, in fact it was boring. But watching the cute 25 year old talk about the wars made it so interesting.

Every lesson, students were greeted by Mr. Way as he opened the door and gestured for us to come in. I was the first one to enter the classroom.

Mr. Way looked at me and smiled. "Good Afternoon Frank, please sit down the others should be here shortly."

"O-okay" I managed to stutter out. Damn this man. I have never been the nervous type but fuck me, this man made me melt.

I quietly got to my seat, at the back in the corner and watch him intently.
He wiped down the board so swiftly and his little ass jiggled in them jeans as he did so.

Mr. Way turned around and noticed i was looking in his direction with a grin on my face. I noticed he noticed me and i blushed turning away. He then noticed that i noticed and he gave a smirk. I noticed he smirked.

Suddenly a bundle of teenagers came bursting through the door and by the sudden noise, Mr. Way jumped. I think they scared the shit out of him.

Everyone settled into their seats and Mr. Way announced that they would be taking a field trip to Germany to visit the trenches in a couple of months.

Mr. Way handed me the pile of letters, grinning and asked me to hand them out for him. As he handed me the letters, our fingers brushed and i sucked in a sharp breath. He noticed that too.

After, i had done the job and everyone got on with their textbook tasks. I was a little confused on some of the information and raised my hand, achieving the 25 year olds attention. He stood up and walked over to my desk, smiling.

"Frank?" He asked curiously.

"I dont understand this, could you explain it to me?" I asked, sounding a little confused and stared up at him.

"Yes of course!"

He sat in the chair next to me, i was at the back on my own, which gave me an advantage. I watched and listened to him as he was explaining different parts of the question to me.
I was noticing all the little things about him.

The way his brown shoulder length hair hung on his shoulders and he had a strand tucked behind his ear. The way he spoke slightly out of one side of his mouth and those beautiful hazel eyes.

He looked up at me, my eyes meeting his. Jesus, this man was beautiful and i was gay as hell. My breathing became more rapid.

He didnt look 25 though. He looked around his late teens. This man must be a time lord. I also noticed he wasnt wearing a ring either.

Yes i like his hands okay.

He smiled at me and i nodded understanding my work. He grinned, returned my nod, stood up and patted me on the shoulder and walked away.

He noticed i tensed up and drew in a sharp breath at his touch. That cheeky bastard knew his touch was my weakness and just walked away.

But before you know it the bell had gone and all the students rushed out the door. But i took my time and he noticed.

Before i left, a well too familair voice filled my ears gently. "Frank, i think you should come on this trip you know"

I turned like a deer in headlights. "Really?" I asked.

"Yes, i think it would be good to help you understand some of this stuff." He gestured to the work he had started to mark.

I nodded hesitantly and silence filled the room

Before i could think i was asking him "Are you going on the trip?" I was wide eyed at my own question and he chuckled.

"Yes Frank i am going." Grinning at me, taking in all of my embarrassment, but he didnt seem to mind.
"Oh, okay" i breathed out. What the fuck is wrong with me.

He stared at me, his eyes not leaving mine and he inspected my face with curiosity.

I felt naked and unable to function and i quickly ran a hand through my hair for the millionth time and adjusted my hoodie.

I decided at that point i was going to the leave the classroom, letting him to get on with his marking. He picked up his coffee mug, took a sip and then quietly said "stop worrying, you look good". His eyes never left me.

I turned at him, biting my lip. This was my chance.. "you too Sir" i winked. He gasped, turning 50 shades red as I left the room.


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