Chapter 13- Ray's POV

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A/N: Sooo... that happened. Anyway things will be getting spicy.

this is a throwback to the night Frank went over to Rays


Frank had texted me a couple minutes ago, wanting to come over and get drunk. That was so unlike Frank, since he would worry about his mother saying something. They were a very strong team and I could see that. It was early in the morning. I shrugged it off and awaited for his presence.

I mean, we hadn't hung out in a while, so I guess it would be nice to see Frank for a bit- even if we were drinking.

Soon enough, I heard a knock at the door. Frank was standing at the door with a smile over his face and his eyes slightly red. He carried a huge bag with him. I didn't question it.

"Hey Buddy!" I say and we slapped hands. "Hey Ray, thanks for letting me over dude." Frank replied. "No problem"

We sat on the sofa. My parents were out of town, so it was just me in the house for the weekend, so I needed the company. "What's up?" I ask Frank, handing him a can of beer. He cracked it open. "Nah, it's nothing. I just wanted to hang out. We haven't in a while. Plus I couldn't sleep and I end up here" He says, pulling on a smile.

The night continues and we were downing shots and cans of beers. Man, Frank was such a lightweight. He was completely pissed. I mean, I felt drunk but I don't think I was completely smashed and I could still think and register things completely fine.

"Awh, man. Ray. Y- you da best ya know" Frank slurred his words and I let out a laugh. Yep, he was gone. "Oh! You got any weed?" He said jumping up. "Yeah, I have a couple of joints, why? you want a smoke?" I asked. I wasn't sure but he was beaming at me. I couldn't say no.

We walked over to the nearest local park, since we needed some fresh air. I didn't smoke my joint but Frank did, and he insisted he could smoke my untouched joint. I refused, since I was afraid he was going to die at this point.

We hung at the park for a while, sitting under a tree, letting the cold night air through our noses into our lungs.

I caught my eye on a group of guys, looked around our age and they were walking over to us. I didn't think anything of it and Frank was laughing so much. I rolled my eyes at Frank, letting a grin spread across my face.

They stopped in front of us, looking down. Frank stood up, wobbling as he did so. "Hi, can we help you?"  Frank slurred.

One of the boys from the trio looked at Frank. "You boys having a good time?" he said smirking.

"Yeah we are, you wanna join?" Frank said. He we acting like a child and I was feeling uneasy. I eyed Frank and he looked at me. He was completely of his head.

The guys looked at eachother and snickered. "Well, that sounds good, but I think fro boy over here thinks otherwise". The boy had dark black hair and he dressed like a tramp to be brutally honest. I think I was beginning to sober up a little.

"My name is Ray, that is Frank and you cannot join us, in fact we were just leaving" I say, my lip curled upwards.

"awh, c'mon Ray. Don't be like that" the boy said. "Just one hit and we will leave"

"what do you m-" I started saying as I was cut off by Frank.

"Yeah, what you got?" Frank said, a tinge of excitement in his voice.

"This" the boy said, pulling out a few needles from his jacket pocket. "It's just heroine"

There was no way I was injecting myself with something from a stranger.

"NO!" I say and started walking off. I was expecting Frank to follow and I turned around and saw him injecting himself with the substance along with the other three boys.

For fuck sake Frank! But i felt peer pressured and after a few moments, I also injected myself.

I then woke up in my house. I had no idea what time it was and Frank was nowhere to be seen. I just thought he had gone home or something. I shrugged it off and went to the kitchen to take some aspirin for my pounding headache and hangover. 

My body was hurting so badly. I went upstairs to take a shower. I undressed myself and caught my reflection in the mirror. My torso was black, blue and i had scratches down my back. There was a note left on the sink. 

'Last night was amazing, you both behaved so well and it felt so good. coming back for round two soon. Tell Frank to not mess up his inked body anymore, that's ,my job ;)' 

I felt like I had stopped breathing. had me and Frank had been raped? he is coming back? He is going to hurt Frank? Frank was already hurt?

No, NO no no no

I felt like this had to be a joke and I couldn't shake this disgusting feeling out of my head.

My phone buzzed and it was a text from Frank. Thank the lord. 

'Hey um, do you know what happened last night, I can't remember a fucking thing after meeting those guys, aha.'

Do i tell him? I can't. I shake my head and head back to my room. It was very late at night and I had no idea how long I had previously slept for.

I laid down onto my bed and tried to sleep. The hours ticked by and I just couldn't. I had school and I was ashamed to walk into school knowing what the hell had happened to me and Frank. I let this happen and he deserved to know.

Ray: Um, Frank. I don't remember much. But i found a note in the bathroom. Um. Im pretty beat up too. I don't know about you. (sent 4/11/15 at 6:00am)

I took a picture of the note and sent it to him too.

Shit, Shit, Shit!

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