Chapter 8- Gerards POV

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A/N: im sorry ive not been updating recently, there is a lot going on right now.

Anyways i will try and do what i can and write when i can. This story is far from over :)


I dug through my wardrobe violently searching for a nice outfit to wear tonight. Frank stood there watching me intently.

I sighed at the outfits i had picked out,  having a hard time picking one.

"You're such a diva" frank said laughing.

I tapped his arm, laughing. "Well, it takes time to look this good" i said gesturing to myself.

Frank shook his head, grinning to himself. He fixed his hair for the millionth time and i got dressed. I was wearing a black and yellow tee, with black skinnies and boots topped with a leather jacket.

"Woah, somebody looks hot" frank said staring at me in awe.

"Thats right baby, keep staring cause it is all yours" i said grinning taking his hands in mine.

Frank bit his bottom lip and looked away. "Hey you okay?" I said, my tone more serious and concerning.

"Yeah, i am just really nervous, like i want to hold your hand and touch you like normal when we get to mine, but my mum might do her nut"

"Frankie im nervous too. Its okay, we will figure something out". I took his hand and placed it to my chest, my hearbeat was very rapid. He did the same and we stood there feeling eachothers heartbeats.

I placed a kiss on his lips and i ushered him to the car.

The car journey to Frank's house was very short. He only lived a couple streets away. I pulled into the Iero's driveway and turned off the car. I stared at the house in front of me and I stiffened. My heart beat was out of control. I felt Frank's hand land on top of my own and he squeezed it with a reassuring smile.

We got out of the car and walked up to the front door. I wanted to hold his hand but I knew Frank didn't want to freak his mother out. Frank knocked on the door a couple of times and we stood waiting for his mother to answer the door. The silence clung around us uncomfortably and we shared frequent but short glances at eachother.

The door opened and a small, skinny lady stood at the door with opening arms. "Frankie!" she said pulling Frank into a tight squeeze and rubbing his back. They pulled apart and Mrs. Iero turned towards me. She smiled widely. "You must be Gerard, right?" "yes ma'am, it's lovely to meet you Mrs. Iero". She pulled me into a tight hug. I mean for a small person she had a tough grip- like Frank.  

"Please Gerard, call me Linda. Anyways you both best come inside dinner will be done shortly" she ushered both of us in and closed the door behind her. The house was quite small and it seemed very homely, considering it was just the two of them living here. We walked into the living room and sat on the sofa. 

Linda clasped her hands together. "So, Gerard, do you go to Frank's school?" I glanced at Frank, and he went pale. "Uh.. no, I am a college student, I'm studying history." I managed to say. It wasn't completely a lie apart from the fact I am not a college student.

"Ah, that's very interesting. Frank mentioned something about a History trip his school is going on. He insisted for me to let him go on the trip to help his grade." Linda commented, oblivious to Frank's panicked expression.

"Ah- yes Germany?" I said softly. Linda nodded. "Maybe you could volunteer to come on the trip with us Gerard, it would be very helpful, since i need help with my grade and i don't like anybody else going" Frank suggested, the corner of his mouth beginning to curl upwards.

"That's a great idea honey!" Linda exclaimed. "Anyways, i better get in the kitchen and sort out dinner. Pasta, is that okay boys?"  Frank and I nodded and Linda made her way out of the room to the kitchen.

Once she was out of sight, i let out a long overdue sigh and ran my hand through my hair. "Fuuckk" Frank breathed out. He looked more flustered than I did. "Hey, don't worry, I think she likes me" i said reassuringly and let my hand stroke over his hand. Frank smiled. 

We jolted apart when Linda called that dinner was ready. Frank just looked totally done and i started to snigger. "Calm down beautiful, come on" I whispered to him, so Linda couldn't hear me. He took my hands and I pulled him up from the sofa and he hugged me.

While they drew apart from hugging a head shot back into the dining room. 

Me and Franked walked into the dining room, where Linda was putting down the plates of food on the top the table. We took over seats, I was sitting next to Frank and Linda was opposite.

"Hope you like it boys" she said smiling widely. We started tucking in and the pasta was so good. "So Gerard, how old are you, i never caught that earlier" she said innocently. "25"

"oh okay" she looked over at Frank, he was acting a little strange and i hit his foot with my own. He snapped out of whatever he was thinking about. "Frank, honey, i think you should tell me how you met Gerard. I've only met Ray you see" she said still smiling and looking at Frank intently.

Frank moved in his seat uncomfortably. "uh.. s-sure. Well,  I actually met him when i was hanging at the park. I was walking home from school and I saw Gerard. He looked like a cool dude so I went over and introduced myself i suppose" he said quickly, not looking at either one of us.

Silence. Linda glanced between both of us and drew her hands together. "Oh okay, seems cool" she continued to smile and I was beginning to feel so uneasy.

"I mean Frank, it's nice to make new friends, you never know what could happen you know...?" she trailed off. My stomach churned.

"Anyways, you boys done eating?" we both nodded, looking at her as she scurried off into the kitchen with the plates.

"Gee?" Frank squeaked. He looked like he was going to throw up or something. "Hey it's okay" i reassured him, slightly rubbing his knee. My stomach was doing its own backflips and I felt a little lightheaded.

After a while, it became late at night and  I thought it would be best to make my way home. "Frank, can you stay at home tonight?" Linda asked Frank. "Yes, of course I can mum". Linda gave me a hug stronger than last time and i thought she was going to break my ribs. "Thanks for coming Gerard, it was a pleasure meeting you" she said smiling. "You too Linda".

Frank made his way over to me and he gave me a hug and I drew away quickly to make it look just friendly. "See you Frank, hang out sometime this week again?" "Sure, bye Gerard".

They closed the front door and i headed into my car. I let a loud sigh out. 'That was a close one' i thought to myself as i pulled away from the house and drove back home.

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