Chapter 9- Frank/Linda's POV

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Frank's POV:

I heard Gee pull away from the house and went into the kitchen to help my mum with the dishes. She was standing by the window looking out of the blinds.

I coughed and she jumped away from the window. I decided to ignore it. "Hey, you need me to help with the dishes?" i said innocently. "u-um yeah, that would be nice Frank, thanks".

We cleaned the dishes together in silence and I knew something was playing on her mind. Maybe she was stunned that I have a new friend, maybe it was the fact it was another boy? I dont know.

"Why don't you head on up to bed, i'll finish cleaning up" my mother said, placing a kiss on my forehead. "Mum, i'm not five, i'm eighteen now" i whined.

"I know, I know, but you will always still be my little boy" she cooed. I couldn't blame her. I mean i'm all she had left and we were a team, but i knew something was up with her.

I headed on up to my room, closing my door, stripping into my boxers and turned the light off. I drifted into a deep, well needed sleep. But it felt weird without Gerard by my side.

Linda's POV:

'I can't believe they both lied to me' i thought to myself as i watched out of the window Gerard driving out of the driveway.

I was suddenly pulled out of my thoughts at the sound of Frank coughing. He was acting very strange at the dinner table and I didn't like that one bit. I didn't want to believe that Frank was gay. I thought i was being a good parent by giving him the chance to go to a standard high school instead of a catholic school. 

It always crossed my mind how he never seemed to have any friends who were girls. I only met Ray. He seemed like a nice dude and he had a girlfriend. Then there was Gerard. He had obnoxiously bright red hair and he was 25.

1. Why is my son hanging out with a 25 year old?

2. He can't be a college student, he is 25, does his think I am that stupid?

I was getting flustered at my thoughts and silence wrapped around me and Frank in the kitchen.

After he had gone to bed, he had left his phone on the table and I decided to go through it. He didn't have a password on it. I didn't want to go behind his back because we were a team, but he went behind mine and lied- that hurt.

I opened up his chats, one contact titled 'GeeBear'. I gagged at the nickname he had given Gerard. I was scrolling through he chats and one particular conversation had me in disbelief.

  Gerard: Happy Birthday sweetheart. I cant wait to see you today. Come over whenever, i'll be ready for you sugar ;) xox 

  Frank: Thank you honey, yeah i will be around later on. Looking forward to seeing you too sugar. Don't do anything fun without me ;) xox 

Frank had left me that morning claiming he was just 'going out' for a bit- but no he was clearly fucking Gerard. On his 18th. I was so excited to celebrate his 18th. My kid finally turned an adult and he left me for him. Fine. We will see how this plays out.

I was about to put Frank's phone down when it started buzzing. It was a message from Gerard.

Gerard: Hey honey, thanks for tonight- that was a close one. I love you so much. Sleep tight sugar ;) xox

I just stared at the text message when I heard somebody behind me.

I turned and Frank was standing there in the doorway wide eyed and crossing his arms.

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