Chapter 21- Gerard's POV

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He just left me... just like that.

I can't think, I can't breathe, all I can do is cry.

It's been 3 days since he broke up with me. I've tried and tried to contact him but he always leaves me on read and ignores my calls. I don't know what to do with myself. All i know is I'm at school right now and I have his class next period. 

The school bell rings and my current class scurries out and the next pile in. 

I lay my head on the desk and wait for everyone to come in. Frank walks into the classroom along with Lindsey. He doesn't look like a mess and he has a smile on his face whilst chatting away. I eye them both and they make eye contact with me. Lindsey's smile drops into a concerned expression and Frank just looks down and pulls her away.

He didn't care for me, he never loved me.. I was just a fuck and that was it. I feel as sob rise to the back of my throat, but I push it back down with all the energy I have left in my body.

My greeting to the class is poor and I just hand out some papers for them to work on, while I wallow in my own sorrows. Frank doesn't spare me a glance. In fact, he completely avoids my direction. I hope he is proud of himself, I hope he got what he wanted. I didn't even get an explanation.

Lindsey walks up to my desk with her paper and asks me to check some of her work. I do so and she looks around before looking back at me. "Hey, are you okay? you look really rough" she whispers to me.

I just nod. "What is with the tension between you and Frank? You two are like the perfect couple?"

"Couple? I don't know what you are on about. Maybe you should ask pretty boy back there" I say, my voice laced with sarcasm and bluntness and handed back her paper.

Lindsey just scurried back off to her seat next to Frank.

"Damn, the tension is high within this room" Brendon suddenly pipes up, dramatically fanning himself with his hand.

"I mean, whats up with the fucking illegal couple? usually, you guys give us a show and kiss against the wall. In fact, lets scrap this lesson and do a couple's counselling session how about that?"

Silence. Nobody says anything.

"Brendon just shut the fuck up already, you're an annoying cunt" Lindsey says rubbing her temples

"Language" I growl. It doesn't come out as menacing as I would like, but weakly.

Lindsey looks at me with wide eyes as something clicks. "You not together anymore?" her voice comes out as a whisper, but I sure heard it. 

Murmurs and gossip start flying around the classroom and I can see Frank getting frustrated and narrowing his eyes at me.

"There's nothing to say you bunch of nosy cunts. But you wanna get all up in my shit anyway so  I will tell you it wasn't working." Frank shouts

I bang my fist on the desk loudly and everyone jumps. I look Frank dead in the eyes. "You just left. Without any explanation, like I was FUCKING NOTHING!" my voice bellows.

Frank just shakes his head and looks away. I feel the tears well up in my eyes as the class stare at me. Some with sympathetic looks and some with amused expression. "I hope you're really happy now.. class dismissed" I say and stand up. We still had like 40 minutes left but I didn't care. I grabbed my bag and walked out the classroom. 

I trudged down the corridor to the school exit, everything seems heavy and I feel like collapsing, I can't eat, I can't sleep everything hurts. Its only been 3 days. I really loved him and I still do.

My History Teacher (Frerard Fic) DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now