Chapter 2- Gerards POV

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A/N: there is a little bit of smut, so enjoy ;)


I watched Frank leave the room grinning to himself after noticing my reaction to the compliment.

The truth is Frank looked good, i mean really good. His hair was gorgeous. Thick black strands that clung to his face and his pale skin was magnificent. He was short and had tattoos. But his smile. Damn. He had a knee weakening smile in my opinion.

But Gerard was stunned at the compliment he recieved. Gerard didnt think he looked good. His greasy brown hair was getting too long and he always worried about how big he looked. He wore skinny jeans with a shirt and sometimes a cardigan or jacket. He didnt think he looked that good at all.

He finally finished the marking, grabbed his bag and headed to his car. He couldnt wait to get home. His job was tiring since he taught a lot of kids everyday. He saw all different faces everday which all merged into a blur, but Frank's stood out.

He couldnt stop thinking about him and his mouth. Oh them them lips.
Gerard decided to shake the idea from his head before he got a little too excited in the car.

But he shouldnt find the 17 year old attractive but he did. Surely it was wrong but it felt so right to him and he wondered if Frank felt the same way.

He finally got home, threw his bag down on the floor and jumped on the sofa. As he was drifting off to sleep a loud ringtone interrupted his solitude. He picked up his phone and frowned.

"Mikey?" Gerard answered. "It is 7pm, and you sort of woke me up, whats up?"

"I just wanted to talk to you bro, i havent seen or spoke to you for weeks.." a quiet voice answered.

Gerard sighed making conversation with his younger brother who was 19. Gerard learned that Mikey was finally in a relationship with Pete- long time best friend now boyfriend.

He knew Mikey was gay and it was expected for them to get into a relationship for how close they had gotten- he shipped it.

"The school is organising a history trip to Germany and Mikey, i was thinking i could try and get a space for you and Pete to come..." Gerards voice trailed off

"That would be awesome, Gee. Yeah we would love to come. Plus i wouldnt want you to leave you with a group of annoying teenagers" mikey laughed.

Gerard chuckled "they are only 2 years younger than you Michael, plus Pete is 18, so that beats your point"

Gerard continued to talk to Mikey for a while and finally hung up. It was nice talking to Mikey. His mind wondered and he thought that it was even nicer talking to Frank today.

He was teaching Frank's class again tomorrow and he wanted to talk to Frank again, make him blush and tease him. It was cute and it surely put Gerard in a good mood.

Gerard walked upstairs to his bedroom and stripped into his boxers, turnt off the light and tried to sleep. His tossed and turned during the night unable to rid his mind of the alluring 17 year old.

He then got up and decided to shower. He was feeling a little disgusting and wanted to wash it away. He hopped into the shower and turnt on the water making it hotter than he liked. He let the steam engulf around him and felt the water run down his body, wishing it was Franks hands running down him and the steam being his breath.

Gerard was rock solid at this moment and decided to take care of his little situation in the shower. He wrapped his hand around his length and pumped fast and hard.

He let the moans escape from his mouth and threw his head back as he was nearing his orgasm and finally released everything he had moaning Franks name.

He panted and quivered for a while and realised what the fuck had just happened. He jacked off over a student. Frank wasnt even here so how on earth was he suppose to contain himself in the classroom..

He was fucked

He climbed out of the shower and dressed, he wanted to look good for Frank. He wanted to make Frank want him. He needed Frank.

He never missed his morning coffee and so trailed downstairs to make it. He sipped at his drink saviouring the taste. It tasted so fucking good. He looked at the clock which told him it was time to leave for work.

He grabbed his bag and headed out to the car and drove to work. He entered the classroom, sat at his desk and started planning some lesson activites for the day. He hoped Frank would take up his offer about coming on the trip. He liked Frank and wanted to get to know him properly.

The thought of earlier in the shower caused a slight twitch from his pants. For fuck sake, not now. He groaned and put his head on the desk, shutting his eyes tightly. He was not fully hard but still. Frank wasnt even here...

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