5 Accidental Seduction

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It turns out Lana is so much more briliant than I would have ever thought. She came up with the idea to create a story about a christian church group a couple students and myself created to spread the word of God. It's probably a sin to lie about spreading the word of God, but I'm sure someone somewhere will give me a repreave with the extent of my parents faith. I'm a young woman. The last place I need to be is locked in a prayer closet.

The second I got done telling my parents about the triweekly meetings I would be part of leading put a small smile on my parents face, and no more questions were asked. I'm sure the twins won't want to meet three times a week, but even if they don't I can find somewhere easy enough to spend a few hours out of the day away from home.

That's how I came to be standing in front of the cafe doors, taking a moment to collect myself before I head inside to meet Troy and Tucker. I can see them through the glass of the front windows, casually sitting across from each other at a back booth, Troy nodding along to something his brother seems to be extremely pleased about telling. I learned the first night I met them how to easily tell the two apart.

Troys hair is several shades lighter, and his bangs have a large cow lick, so these two or three strands stand out even when he tries to jell everything down like Tucker.

I take a moment to take them both in, my breath picking up at just how lucky I am to have attracted these twos attention. Without even realising it, they've given me a reason to be excited about waking up in the morning again. When Lana moved away I lost it, but they brought it back.

Tucker looks up mid sentence from speaking to his brother and notices me walking through the door, motioning me over with a smile. "Hello, beautiful." He cues, standing to engulf me in a warm hug. Wrapping my arms around him I take a second to breathe him in, his scent of mint and old spice engulfing me. It's refreshing, and I almost whimper from the loss when he steps back, but that emptiness is quickly filled when Troy swoops in to hug me as well. His arms wrapping underneath my own before he lifts me and spins us in a small circle.

Tuckers laughter fills the background as I squeal in happiness, gripping Troys arms for support. My head falls back so that I can look up at him, my cheecks turning a bright shade of pink when he leans in to give me a small peck on my cheek. Leaning down to my ear he whispers, "We missed you, gorgeous." That pink just turned bright red.

When we part ways to take our seats the boys meet each others gaze and smile. I'm not sure what their little secret language means, and I don't care. I'm just happy to get such a warm greeting. As odd as it is, I missed them.

Troy takes up his original spot on the left, and Tucker ushered me into the booth beside him, his arm lazily falling along the back rest of our seat. "We're glad you agreed to meet us, Sasha. I was a little skeptical if you were going to give in to yourself. Lana warned us you might talk yourself out of it." From my sour expression at her warning the boys merely chuckle. "Don't be mad, little one. Her intentions are pure." The endearment catches me off guard, but it's different. It seems more and more I'm beginning to like different.

"If I'm being completely honest, the only reason I even momentarily considered not coming is because there would be no way I could get out of the house without my parents asking questions." The boys nod in understanding. Taking a deep breath I force myself to venture on before I chicken out. They need to know what they are getting involved in, even if that requires me breaking my one rule of noone knowing.

"I want to be honest with myself, and both of you. I really like you, but this is so new to me." When Tuckers hand slips down from the back of the seat to my shoulder he gives me a reassuring squeeze. "It's not just that there is two of you-even though part of me knows its unconventional to hold feelings towards two people-it's that dating in general is new to me." Reaching out I take a hand of each of the brothers, smiling when they begin to rub reassuringly over my knuckles.

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