7-Opportunity Strikes

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The next several days went by in a blur. It was a new routine for me, though. So I tried to enjoy the hectic atmosphere of my best friend/bridezillas' wedding planning. If I'm being honest with myself she was no where near as bad as she could have been, but the stress got to her on the second day and she just snapped. If anyone so much as questioned her motives or ideas for this so called tiny ceremony her top blew. At one point I'm almost certain she started talking giberish when the florist brought the wrong flowers.

I bit my tongue and tried to help the best to my ability, though. All in all Lana never had to tell me how grateful she was. I could tell each day by the sag of her shoulders when she heard me walk in and take charge how relieved she was.

That in itself was a tricky subject as I had to continue to lie to my parents about the fake church group Lana created for me, and it was all going so good, until I came home from one particullarly stressful evening to find my parents waiting to ambush me as I walked through the front door.

I could tell I wasn't in trouble, and the secret was still safe by the sheer magnitude of happiness on both of their faces. It was odd, because I hadn't seen my parents that happy in a long, long time, but all I could think was how bad it had to be. God, how right I was.

"Sasha, dear." My mother cued as I hooked my coat on the coat rack. "There's someone here who's excited to speak with you. Head up to your room and get freshened up for him, would you please?" I couldn't for the life of me figure out who 'he' was, but my question was answered soon enough.

Descending the hallway from my prison cell into the livingroom I was met with a cheshire grinning George Reynalds. "Hello, beautiful." He all but purred. I swear I was the only one on this planet who could see him for what he really was, and it was infuriating. As he walked towards me and handed over a bundle of sunflowers his parents had obviously bought for him, all I could do was fight to hold down the bile. All the while my parents sat on the other side of the room silently cheering him on.

"George," I forced out through grit teeth. "What a surprise."

A short yelp escaped me when he jerked my arm to pull me into a hug, his nausiatingly hot breath fanning down my neck giving me a bad case of chills. "I told you you would be mine. Try denying me now, Sasha." My name was as close to a hiss as I'd ever heard from a human before when he pulled away. He made sure no one but me heard that part.

"I wanted to come by and speak to your parents before I asked you. They were more than happy with the idea so," George spoke up, sliding up to stand in front of me, his calloused fingers gripping my hand. "Sasha, would you go on a date with me tonight?" The grip on my hand appeared gentle, but I had to fight to keep a straight face when his nails started to dig into the web between my pointer and thumb.

Bile rose in my throat at the idea of spending an evening in his presence, but when I glanced back at my parents and saw the beaming smiles they both sported the only option was to accept. I couldn't have my turning him down tarnish the somewhat normal relationship I'd worked on building with them both the last few days. Things were going good.

Besides, as I stood there with a fake smile hiding my true grimace at the idea, another thought occured to me. Maybe this is exactly what I needed. I could easily sabatoge this so called date of his, and get him to completely change his view of me in one night. That smile wasn't as fake as it had been when I'd first plastered it on for the room to see.

"I'd love to, George," I whispered after several long seconds. If I'm not mistaken I saw a sparkle in his eyes, but there was no way it was of joy like he lead on. There really wasn't anything special about me. I just had to find out his true intentions behind wanting me.

Clapping was heard from my parents as they congratulated us on the possibility of love. The notion that my parents were happy for us and hoped we fell for one another simply made my inner Sasha scoff. As if they even knew what the true meaning behind the word meant. I knew what the word meant, and I'd never even seen it before Lana found Aldric.

"Wonderful!" He cheered with a grin. "I'll be by in an hour to pick you up? So you like Italian?" All I could manage was a small nod. I had an hour to not only get ready, but to also devise a plan to sabatoge the evening.

As he says his goodbyes to my parents I make a slow walk to my room, already dialing Lana as I go. She's going to hate this, but I hope she can understand what I've got in mind. This is the only way. There are no other options at this point.

"Hi, booboo." She cherped on the other end of the line as I closed my bedroom door behind me with a soft thud. "Whatcha up to?" All I could do was groan in answer. "What's wrong?" Instantly she knew something was up.

"I was forced into a date with Geroge tonight." There was silence in answer. "I've got an idea to sabatoge everything, so don't think I am going to willingly sit by and let him get what he wants. This boy fucked with the wrong Catholic."

Lana giggles in return. "That's my girl, but I've got an idea that I bet you would have never thought of. Where's this date going to be at?"

I scoffed through the line. "The assholes taking me for Italian, so I'm assuming Georgias." And then I heard a click. She hung up on me! My bitch hung up on me! Even as frustrated as I was with her, I knew whatever it was she had in that wicked little head of hers was more conniving than anything I could have ever came up with. 

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